Book 2: Chapter 1: Zaofu

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Dear Lin,
You'd never guess what happened today! Your nine year old daughter cracked a rock!
Just like you, she discovered her earthbending through anger.

It may seem that you two are more alike than you think!

Can you believe that she is a double bender?

Please write back soon!



The whistle of the train woke Audrey up. She shot up from her half slumped position earning a few stares from some nearby passengers. The train ride from Republic City to Zaofu was a few hours in length. Fortunately, she banked on the idea that in less than ten hours, she'd be inhaling fresh air and have a breeze blow through her hair- a complete contrast to the stuffy cabin she now sat in.

They were all suddenly plunged into darkness, she blinked her eyes a few times seeing no light and began to panic, feeling around her as she was almost convinced she was blind.

'Is this how Grandma Toph feels?'

She thought as her heart began to pump in her ears. Suddenly there was light again. Audrey's eyes adjusted to the brightening illumination, a sense of relief washed over her. The train had only passed through a tunnel. She almost laughed in comfort.

Audrey shuffled toward the window, looking outside with wide eyes like a child at a candystore. They had reached Zaofu, the train passed through multiple buildings, roads and shops alike. All of which had at least a small part of metal within.

Audrey had read about the city, but nothing in her books could ever prepare her for this: Giant, lotus-shaped structures, all made of metal, dotted a wide expanse of green land.This city was nothing short from an architectural and artistic masterpiece.

How her Aunt and uncle created this was unfathomable to her. She could only hope that some of their genetics could magically pass on to herself.

The train came to a stop and all the passengers poured out onto the surrounding platform.
Audrey walked out too, tightly wrapping her coat around her. She wore a grey turtleneck with a long dark green coat that gently grazed the back of her knees. Her pants were baggy and black, similar to what she would wear back in the watertribe. And of course, she wore her sleeves.

No one would guess that she was from the watertribe just by looking at her attire. Her pale skin and green eyes helped her blend in perfectly with the earth kingdom society.

She walked towards the outside of the platform, unfortunately, this was her first time in Zaofu, and so she had no idea where her family stayed. All she knew was that Opal would come and fetch her...only it seemed that Opal was late.

Audrey glanced at her wristwatch, the train arrived about ten minutes ago but there was no sign of her wide-eyed cousin. She noticed people beginning to stare at her as she still stood in the same spot, seeming completely lost. She decided to begin walking in the direction of the inside of the station. Inside, she was immediately splashed with a mixture of aromas, that of coffee which was prominent. The inside of the building was decorated with small shops, the floor was metal but the ceiling made of pure glass...

"Miss Beifong?" A bored voice asked. Audrey turned around immediately, not recognizing the voice and hardly the name either.

Behind her, stood an elderly man. He wore green half-moon glasses and had tan skin, he was barefoot too.

He bowed in greeting, " I'm Aiwei, I'm from Suyin."

Audrey was skeptical, " I'm sorry, but my cousin is fetching me?"

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