Book 2: Chapter 4: Seismic Sense

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To say that Toph was hard on Audrey would be a massive understatement, not only was she constantly training but also permanently criticized. Audrey's ego took a massive hit as well as her self image. She was not the wayerbending prodigy anymore, but rather an amateur earthbender. Once again she found herself on the floor.

"GET UP LILY LIVERS!" Toph hollered. Smiling uncontrollably.

"Yes Chief." Audrey winced as she felt her multiple bruises begin to swell. She stood up getting ready for another attack. She could feel it coming but never act quickly enough. Soon she was on the floor again.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU DUNDERHEAD? I ATTACKED YOU WITH THE SAME MOVE TWICE!" Toph remarked, completely unimpressed with the turnout of her oldest grandchild.

Audrey felt herself become furious. She was trying her best, yet her grandmother only wanted perfection. The long-bred anger began to boil within her.

Toph felt the heartbeat of her granddaughter quicken and her breathing became deeper and slower. It was a strange occurrence.

Audrey felt enraged but the only way you'd tell is if you heard the rate of her heartbeat. She became hyperfocused all of a sudden. She will not let her grandmother bully her any further.

Toph flexed her wrists forward feeling the rocks that bent like dominoes under the surface. To Audrey everything felt like slow motion. She closed her eyes, suddenly being able to feel and almost see what happened below her. The rocks were about to break the surface. Audrey did a back handspring dodging the rocks that shot up in long rectangular pillars. She landed in a squat and pulled up two poles next to her grandmother. Toph, who was caught off guard blocked the poles narrowly. Just after she'd done that another a boulder was thrown towards her, Toph ducked shifting around in small movements. She responded to Audrey's attack with short hand gestures and felt as the girl dodged the cubes that flew toward her.

Audrey punched a cube with a flat palm and observed as the rock burst into hundreds of small stones. She then shot them all towards her grandmother who could not feel them coming.

Toph stood still with a look of distaste as she was pelted with tiny rocks.

"Congratulations Kid." She remarked in a voice of normal volume," if my findings are correct, you've just discovered seismic sense."

"Did it take this long for Aunt Sue to learn it too?" Audrey huffed, regaining her composure.

"Not at all! You were by far the longest." Toph laughed punching her granddaughter.

Audrey yelped in pain as she was hit on a bruise.

"What's gotten into you?" Toph muttered beginning to walk away.

"Nothing." Audrey sighed, "Nothing at all".


Later that evening Toph was telling Audrey about her times as Chief in Republic City.

"I was in Republic City too." Audrey remarked, blowing on her stew.

"Is that so?" Toph responded, raising her eyebrows.

"Before going to Zaofu I stopped in Republic City, except I was delayed for about a week. There were equalists." Audrey responded.

"Equalists?" Toph responded.

"A group of people who were led by this waterbender named Aman. They wanted to rid the world of bending." Audrey shuddered, the memories of Aman beginning to resurface.

"But the leader was a waterbender." Toph stated, confused.

"For the longest part, no one knew. He claimed to be a man who was blessed with the power of taking away bending." Audrey answered.

"Only your grandfather did that, to Fire Lord Ozai...and Yakone."

"Yakone?" Audrey responded.
She was never informed about the fact that Aman was Yakone's son.

"Terrible waterbender, but very skilled." Toph muttered, " he was able to bloodbend in broad daylight, never needed a full moon. On top of that he could do it telepathically."

"Wow." Audrey responded in wonder. "Bloodbending without the moon?"

"Don't get ideas kid. It's a terrible thing to bloodbend. Katara did it and regretted it for the rest of her life."

"Gran-gran could bloodbend?" Audrey responded amazed.
"She never mentioned it."

"That's because she still regrets it." Toph muttered," you put someone through so much of pain but have full control of their body, every muscle, every organ..." Toph trailed off, " it's extremely painful, I can tell you that. Now drop the subject."

Audrey felt disappointed, bloodbending was bad- she knew it, but she never knew her own grandmother did it. She also read that bloodbending is a talent passed down through genetics. If Katara could do it there was a really high chance that she could too.

The setting sun disappeared and was soon replaced with darkness, the fireflies lit the sky again and broke the dark abyss above her.
Audrey lay on her back watching as each firefly flew between the leaves of trees.

'Do they have blood?' She wondered but immediately slapped herself. How could she think like that?

"What was that kid?" Toph asked.

"Just a bug on the floor." Audrey lied, turning over and deciding to sleep. "Goodnight grandma toph."

"Goodnight kid." Toph responded.
She knew there was something wrong. If there had been an insect on the floor, she would have felt it. And if Audrey had hit the floor, she would have felt that too. Something was off...
Very off.


Audrey stood in the middle of a wide expanse of land. "Wear this." Toph demanded, handing Audrey a rag. Audrey took the piece of material and wrapped it around her eyes. She stamped her foot and felt the world around her as the vibrations of the earth hummed to life.

Toph stood a distance away. Audrey began to dodge rock after rock as Toph bended them out of the ground. Soon Toph began to attack her shooting rocks toward her. Audrey blocked and dodged them all, her movements resembling fluidity, a contrast to her grandmother's solid stance.

Later, the pair found themselves aside a lake. Audrey needed to practice her waterbending too.
They sparred for a while, Toph primarily blocked attacks.

"I'm getting too old for this." She sighed, lying on a rock in the cave.

Audrey looked towards her, seeing a genuine expression of sadness on her face.

"My days of bending are almost over, I've taught you what I can Audrey."

It was the first time Toph had referred to her daughter by her first name.

"And I will be forever grateful Grandma Toph." Audrey responded.

Oh my gosh! Thanks for 600 reads guys😊.
It means so much to me🌸

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