Book 1: Chapter 4: Bombs

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Dear Lin,

I've just recieved a note from Sallia, the water tribe woman. She works with Katara. She told me Audrey has been announced an official Waterbending master! And she's only 10! I'm so happy and proud of her. If you knew her, I'm sure you would too...
Hope all is going well in Republic City.
Mom and I have patched things up by the way




It had been two days since she had left Air Temple Island, two days since she'd arrived at Republic City. The Equalist Airships were constantly doing laps in the air, whilst Equalists patrolled searched on the ground. Audrey was  constantly on the move, using the vibrations in the ground to grant her safety. She couldn't earthbend as well as she could waterbend, but that still didn't stop her from bending the earth. There had been a few times where she was almost caught, twice in fact, but fortunately, the man and woman who attacked her were alone both times. Audrey knocked them both out, and left them at the entrance of the tunnel Korra went into. That evening, they were gone, taken into the tunnel by the red-scarfed man and his muscular sidekick.

Audrey lay in between a few bushes looking at the sky, it was cloudy, and overcast like usual, with the occasional passing bird.

She began to drift off to sleep...


She was shaken awake from the sound of explosives. She sat up and saw multiple ships sailing towards the bay, only, there were quick gusts of water that shot up from the sea. "Mines..." Audrey whispered, standing up when she saw Korra dive in.

A few moments later a low rumbling began. It sounded like bees, except louder and deeper. Audrey looked up just in time to see multiple planes fly over her head.

She watched more explosives drop from the belly of the planes into the water and onto the oncoming ships.

She ran towards the ocean and dove in, swimming deeply before propelling herself onto a boat.

A bunch of confused crewmembers looked at her before dodging a low-flying plane.

Audrey took a stance and began shooting ice towards the planes.

A bomb dropped straight above her, the crewmembers screamed in fright as it exploded in mid air, after Audrey hit it with a jet of water.

In the distance, she saw Korra take out another plane, she stood in a pillar of water but fell as soon as a plane crashed into it. It gave Audrey an idea.

She breathed in and closed her eyes, letting the energy flow through her, the terrified screams of the people behind her became muffled, she faced her palms to the floor below her, reaching out through the sea. All of a sudden she pulled her arms towards her and multiple jets of water shot up, taking out plane after plane as they all crashed into them.

After she cleared out most of the planes she jumped back into the water, spotting Korra and another man trying to swim towards the shore. Audrey propelled herself towards them, shooting down another bomb with water above their heads. Korra blinked in surprised as the small remains of the bomb rained around her.

"Audrey?" She questioned.

"We'll talk later." Audrey shouted eyeing the oncoming planes.

She shot down another bomb which fell not too far away.

Korra nodded and swam with the man back to the shore.


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