Chapter 5

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Lily's Pov
I quickly dashed away from Conner's house and hired a taxi. I just hoped my father did not do something stupid to get my mum afraid. When I finally reached home I walked boldly to my dad's room and I found my mum sitting across her mean husband in tears. I walked up to him for him to notice me and I made a fake cough to gain his attention. "Let mum go she has nothing to do with this, punish me instead of her" I said with full confidence. He look at me with great anger in his eyes and shook his head. "Madison leave" he said and mum left. I just stood there like a statue waiting for him to speak but he did not. "If you have nothing to say can I leave now because I have work to do" I said out of annoyance.

Damien's Pov
I can't believe that this little demon here still disrespects me. I looked at her straight in the eyes and walked up to her. " Still stubborn uh?" I said. " Lily please stop making my life difficult and obey my rules. You and I know why you can't go anywhere besides school and if you want to go somewhere else you need escort" I said trying to make her understand me. She looked at me and just chuckled before she said "Thanks for your care but I am not a baby anymore I can go anywhere I want to and you can't do anything about it. I am not seeing any human so don't worry I am fine". I looked at her with anger knowing she was lieing to my face and I hate lies.

Lily's Pov
I knew he sensed that I had lied but I kept that straight face so he won't notice my lie and then he said " the next time you go anywhere else after school you would regret it". I chuckled at his statement and said" what would I do to make you stop bossing me around?" He looked at me again and smirked eviley at me before he said" you would have to be married first before I stop bossing you around". I laughed out loud and just left the room, I didn't know why I did that but I really needed to make this man stop bossing me around and if he said I would have to be married first then I would do it. I went to mum's room and found her staring at the window with tears dropping down her cheeks, when she noticed my presence she quickly wiped away her tears and gave me a fake smile. Mum was really good at faking smiles and I must admit I hate it. She would always act like everything was good when it was not one bit. I walked up to her and hugged her stroking her blonde silky hair, I did that for about two minutes before I made her look at me, this time tears were openly rolling down her milky cheek. My mum was the most beautiful female human I had seen in my entire life, she was just too beautiful for all these suffering, she needed a better life and I was ready to do anything in order to give her that life even if it meant for me to marry someone, I was ready to do it.

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