Chapter 15

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AFTER ALEX's outburst the game has started. Becky and Alex were cheering on the little giants by jumping up and down and yelling.

"Giants kicking off. They'll defend the western goal to my right, your left." The announcer was heard throughout the stadium.

"All right, guys. All right. Kicking is the key to this game!" Danny shouted as the boys took position.

Marcus got into position while Johnny was holding the ball down for Marcus to kick.

The whistle went off and Marcus aimed in kicking the ball but instead he kicked Johnny where the sun doesn't shine.

Alex covered her mouth in shock.

"Somebody's holding a pound of Aunt Betty's nut butter. It's a live ball!"

The opposite team saw this as a chance to score a point and grabbed the ball.

"Cowboys recover!"

The cowboys were cheering and jumping up and down from their scoring point.

After their small celebration and time out, both teams got into position again.

"Come on you guys!" Becky and Alex were shouting.

When the whistle went off, Spike ran and knocked off one of the cowboys on the ground and grabbed the ball scoring a point again.

"Yeah! That's my boy!"

The game went on and the little giants haven't scored a point yet.

"Touchdown, Cowboys!"

Alex sighed and looked down. "Cowboys 21, Giants nothing." The announcer noted. It was a time out and the first half.

The two teams went to their own dressing rooms for their breaks.

"I can't believe we didn't score a single point." Alex said and crossed her arms.

"Do you think it was a bad idea we didn't play?" Becky asked, already regretting her decision in not participating. "I'm starting to regret it." Alex admitted, matching Becky's feelings.

After the break was over, the giants entered the field with so much confidence that put a smile on Alex's face.

"Who are we?!"


The game has started with Junior having the ball and scoring a point.

"Yes!" Becky and Alex were shouting excitedly.

The game went by and the giants had already scored another point.

Alex and Becky were jumping up and down with big smiles on both of their faces.

"Second and nine!" The referee shouted. "They gained a yard!" Alex shouted and hugged Becky.

" Flea-flicker to Floyd. He's got room up the sideline, the 45, the 50. First down, Giants, on their longest gain of the afternoon!" The announcer said as Junior scored another point.

"Giants! Giants!" The cheerleaders were shouting. Becky turned around to look at her team, Alex following her actions.

The game started again and Alex noticed that Tad got the ball. "They're doing a reverse to Tad." Becky said.

Tad was running with the ball in his hands not noticing the two cowboys behind him. He came to a stop next to the water stand and stopped when he noticed the two boys charging towards him.

"Yikes!" And with that he bend down causing the two boys to fall on the water stand. "Tad. Run!"

Tad started running again with all the cowboys on his trail. And then he scored a touchdown!

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