Chapter 12

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Alex's pov:

After the "fight" that was occured we all went inside and sat down.

"Guys?" Tad said opening slightly the door.

"Now what?" I said slightly annoyed.

"Let's play some ball" he opened fully the door and i couldn't believe my eyes!

I walked towards them and just stood there watching them in awe.

"Steve Emtman. Emmitt Smith. Tim Brown.  Bruce Smith. " i said slightly in shock and pointed my finger at them every time i said their name.

When we got outside we started practising with the football players.

"Take a shot. Just block me. Come on. You can do it" he encouraged Rudy.

"No way" Rudy said unsure.

"Don't be scared. Run through me. Run through me." He instructed him.

"Come on. Get the fear out of your eyes! Let's go! Come on!" He said and Rudy ran towards him and blocked him.

"Yeah!" Rudy shouted happily along with the others.

"Just remember, football's 80%% mental, 40%% physical" the other player said to us as we all stood in a line.

"Right" i said not fully understanding.

"I wasn't always the biggest. I wasn't always the fastest. I wasn't always the smartest" another players said to us as we sat around in a circle listening to him.

"But I believed within myself....that I was a giant"

"Intimidation. Now, tomorrow, when you go to the game you don't want to be intimidated" the football player instructed us.

"So let me see your game faces" he said then. We all started grunting and trying to look intimidating which let me tell you it wasn't a big success.

"No, no. You can do better than that" he said and shown us.

"Try this" he said again and flexed hus muscles. We all copied him the best we could.

"You're getting it!"

After the intense practise we had i decided that i wanted to head toward the lake to just think about stuff i guess.

Becky offered to come along but i kindly decline. There's a lot going right now so i wanted to be alone and think about everything.

As i was sitting on a canoe watching a couple swallowing each other faces, which was disgusting, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who"

"Who?' i asked already knowing who it was.

"Me" Junior said and sat beside me. 

"Hey, Junior" i greeted him and turned to look at the couple again. He followed my gaze and a disgusting look appeared on his face.

"Hey, that's disgusting. It looks like they're trying to swallow each other's heads" he said.

"Well they technically are. They're doing it all wrong though. You have to move your head dramatic, like Kevin Costner in Robin Hood" i explained to him.

"No. In movies, they do that chicken-pecking, mouth half-open thing. Like this" he said and started kissing his hand rapidly.

"Hey hey stop stop" i chuckled and put his hand down.

"Check this out. My cousin told me that her and her boyfriend use their tongues" he said.

"Why would you say that to me? That's disgusting" i said.

After a few minutes of silence i finally decided to break it.

"You know the only problem with kissing your own hand is?" I asked him.

"What?" He said rather curiously.

"It doesn't kiss back" i simply replied.

"You wanna learn how to kiss?" He asked me.

"I didn't say that. I don't know. Do you?" I asked wanting to know what his answer would be.

"No. I just got that vomit taste" he said.

"Hey, we'll have to learn how sooner or later" i explained to him.

"But what if you were forced to? Wouldn't it be good to learn with a friend? You know, for scientific purposes" i said.

"No way! If I had to learn how to kiss, and I mean absolutely, positively, no way out of it, no matter what, can't get out of it, I had to learn how to kiss. Well then, I think I'd want to learn with-"

"Let me guess. Debbie." I said trying not to cry.

"I don't know" he said and looked down.

"But if not her, definitely another cheerleader-type, right?" I asked him.

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Look, this is really weird" he said out of nowhere and stood up.

"Hey, Junior" i said and he turn around.

"If I was like a cheerleader, you'd wanna learn with me?" I said trying not to be awkward.

"But you're not. You're different.You're cool. You're Alex. Come on, you're probably the only girl I've met that can beat up my dad" he said. He rejected me. Right.

"Anyways, I'll see you later"

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