Chapter 5

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Alex's pov:

After our little trip at Junior's house, we all gathered around to start practise.

We wore our helmets and got in line.

Junior was throwing the ball and we were supposed to run and catch it.

"Ready..Go!" Junior shouted.

"Man, what an arm" Danny whispered.

"Ready. Go!" Junior shouted and Hanon ran to catch the ball. Let's just say that he didn't catch it with his hands.

"Hanon, nice try. All right, guys" Danny said.

It was my turn. I got ready and waited for the signal.

"Ready. Go!" He shouted and i ran. I catch the ball perfectly i might say.

"Oh, good catch, Lexi. Good catch!" Danny said to me.


"So i got nice throws huh?" Junior asked me as i got back in line.

"Who said that?" I said and turned around.

Then Jake appeared from behind us wearing a lot of bubble wrap.

"My mom says the pads you gave me weren't enough"

"Your mom realize that it's pewee football right?" I asked.

"Push him"

"What no"

Then the boys started to push Jake around in circles.

"I don't feel a..." Jake started to say and then fell on the ground.

"Jake? You okay buddy?" I asked him.


"Okay, guys. It's a curl out to the fullback on two" Junior said to us.

"Hey, wait a second. How come we never call a play for me?" Jake asked.

"You're a tackle, dip-head" Hanon answered.

"Hey! Nobody calls me a dip-head except my sister!"

"Okay Jake we don't care. Can we not fight?" I asked them.

"Hey, guys. Guys. Guys, wait!" Tad said.

"Guys, I'll run the ball" he offered.

"You always run the ball!"

"Why can't I run the ball?"

'Because you're slow and no one likes you"

"Says who?"

"Everybody says"

"I call the play"

"SHUT UP" i yelled. "what's wrong with you guys? You're fighting for literally nothing"

"Okay, guys. That was good for a first time. Let's try it again" Danny instructed us and we got back in line.

"Ready. Go!" Junior shouted at Becky.

"Nice pass" Danny said to Junior.

"Nice catch" he said to Becky.

"Junior" Danny said and passed him a toilet paper.

"Come on Hanon!" I yelled.

"Ready. Go!"

He caught it. He actually caught it!

"Woohoo Hanon!"

"Yeah!" He shouted happily and ran towards us.

"All right! Very nice. Okay, from now on, we'll play with this. Put this in the bathroom" he said to Nubie and passed him the ball.

It was my turn again. I catched the ball with ease.

"Good job, Lexi" Junior congratulated me.

"Thanks" i said and i blushed.

"Why am i blushing dude?" I whispered to myself.

"I don't know man. You look ridiculous when you do it" Becky whispered to me.

"Yeah haha very funny"

We got in our positions ready to play.

"I'll get the quarterback" i whispered to becky.

"Hut one. Hut two" Junior shouted.

I ran towards him and tackle him down.

"Got you!" I yelled happily.

"Okay, Lexi. You can get off me" he said.

When i realized i was still on top of him i quickly stood up.

I went to stand next to Becky. "well that was embarrassing" i whispered.

After practice uncle Dan drove me home.

"Bye thanks for the ride!" I yelled and ran towards my house.

When i open the door I couldn't believe what was happening.     

"Gentlemen, that is your opponent" my dad said to the boys standing in our living room. 
My mom was holding a couch cushion with a face on it. What the heck is HAPPENING in this house.

"You must defeat her at all costs"

"Patterson, Becky is all they've got"

"She's strong"

"I know right" i said and made my presence clear.

"Oh honey I didn't know you where out" my dad said and turned to look at me.

"Of course you didn't" i said back. "What the heck are you doing? Is that supposed to be Becky?"

"Yes" my dad confirmed.

"And they are supposed to defeat her?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes" my dad said. I started to laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe.

"Oh you're serious" i said. "HA good luck with that. Because Becky isn't the only girl playing in their team" i said with a smirk.

"Hey what are you talking about?" My dad asked me.

"Oh nothing. But i really want to see how this is going to end" i said and sat on the couch watching them.

"I want you to hit her low and hard" my dad turned to Patterson and ordered him.

"Get in your position"

"Head up, butt down. Stick and drive"

"Set. Go!" And with that he set off and hit the cushion and fell on the ground. I started laughing loudly.

"Oh, man, it's a couch cushion" i said to him through my laughs.

"It's a couch cushion, son!" My dad yelled at him.

"I want you to wrap your arms and drive through it" he explained to him.

"Stand back. Let the master do this" he said and got into position.

"Where's the master?" I asked and looked around.

"Let's go, coach!"

"Priscilla, I want you to shoot this"

"Oh definitely Priscilla record this i wanna laugh for the rest of my existence" i said to her.

"Go for it, Daddy!" She cheered him lm.

"Briggs, count it off"

"Ready. Set. Go!"

My mom who was holding the cushion got so scared that she shouted.

"Kevin!" And she moved out of the way.

My dad flew though the window and landed on the pool.



"Oh man the pool!" I whined. Everyone looked at me weirdly. "i mean oh Dad!"

Little Giants Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon