Deep Sleep

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Hello Everyone! If you haven't checked my page or seen my other ongoing story, I'll say again that I am truly sorry for leaving for so long. Work and School are tough but I will promise to find some time to get a new chapter out every once in a while. Thank you for your patience and enjoy my writing! I love seeing your comments :)

"This Rengoku, he's a hashira, right? Are you sure you'll recognize him?" Zenitsu asked, pulling Inosuke along.

You nodded, "Certainly, he has fiery red hair and a loud voice that you can't miss. He can't be far."

"And I remember his scent," Tanjiro added. "I'll tell you when I sense him." Your friend placed his hand on the sliding car door and began to open it.

"Tasty!" A voice from the next car train boomed, causing you to cover your ears.

The group huddled at the door to open it more, being scared again at another shout. You saw the back of a broad man, blonde and red layered hair sitting on his shoulders.

You and Tanjiro went first, slowly making it down the aisle. He continued to chant the word 'Tasty' over and over again every time he took a bite of food.

He opened another box and began eating once more. This new box made him shout 'Tasty!' louder than before, rattling the empty bento boxes nearby.

Zenitsu came up beside you, putting his hand over his mouth to whisper in your ear. "That's the flame hashira?"

You nodded, "Yes, and he's as lively as ever..." You cleared your throat and planted your feet next to the seat the hashira was in. Zenitsu held your haori sleeve, staying behind you as you tried to gain the man's attention.

"Uhm, Sir?"


"Excuse me, Mr. Rengoku?"

He turned his head to you, staring at you with his bright red eyes. "Tasty!" A big smile plastered onto his face while his mouth still had food in it."

"It-it seems you're enjoying your food..." You muttered.

The hashira had the staff take away all the empty boxes he finished, leaving his area clean to talk to you. "It's you two. You were at the mansion." He stated, referring to Tanjiro and yourself.

"Yes," Tanjiro confirmed, "I'm Tanjiro Kamado. This is (Y/N) (L/N), Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Insosuke Hashibira."

You and Zenitsu bowed as your names were called and Inosuke put his hands on his hips and blew some steam from his mask.

Rengoku gently patted the seat next to him, "Sit down, won't you?"

Tanjiro saw how giddy you became at the hashira's offer, so he let you sit next to him. Now it was you and Rengoku, Tanjiro and Nezuko in her box in front of you, and Zenitsu and Inosuke in the group of seats across the aisle.

"And what brings the 4 of you here? A mission?" Rengoku asked. He didn't look at you at all when he asked.

You glanced at him a couple of times before answering to see if he would look at you. "Yes, Sir, a messenger crow told us casualties were on the rise on the Mugen train."

"That's why you're here. Understood."

"And there were a couple of other things...that we wanted to ask you.."

"Oh? What are they?"

You looked at Tanjiro in front of you. He gave a smile and a nod as a silent way to let you ask first. "It's about my mother."

"The Master Kokyuu, correct? What about her?"

"Well, you already know about her ability to use all 5 breathing techniques. And some of the only people, to my knowledge, that mastered and can train others in flame breathing would be the Rengoku family."

The Music in my Heart | Various! Demon Slayer x NB readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें