New Mission

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Another hand flew to a teacup, then another, and another. You and Kanao were currently working on the tea cup game. Neither of you were fast enough to chuck a cup at the other one. A couple of minutes went by and you surprised Kanao with a cup right next to her.

You slid a cup under the table and slowly pushed it towards the other side. You kicked it up and grabbed it, ready to spill it on your opponent. You felt bad drenching her, so you chucked it right next to her.

Aoi seemed surprised by your sneak attack and stopped the game. "I'll count that. Now you have 9 wins and 11 losses." She recorded your score.

Tanjiro then went after you, keeping up with Kanao's hands. They were equally fast, their arms flying around to keep the cups on or off the table. Eventually, Aoi called the end of the game and gave Tanjiro a moment to breathe. He complimented Kanao's speed and stood up from the table.

"I'm still up for more." Tanjiro turned to his group of friends. "Let's go for a run, want to join me?"

"Doing total concentration constant?" Zenitsu asked reluctantly as Tanjiro nodded to him.

Zenitsu lifted his arms up as he started his total concentration breathing constant. Tanjiro crouched down to smack Zenitsu in his diaphragm to make sure his breathing was strong. Zenitsu groaned that he needed to keep up the technique for so long.

"Do me next!" Inosuke roared and held his shirt open to reveal his chest. Zenitsu immediately threw punches at the boar's chest to test his strength. "That's nothing!" he boasted with his chest puffed out.

"More brawn than brain..."

You lifted your arms into the air, "Is it alright if I have a go?"

Zenitsu shook his head as a grin appeared on his face, "Oh I could never hurt you, (Y/N)! You're just too amazing for that!"

"I could!" Insokue jumped back a few feet and ran toward you. He headbutted you in your gut with all his might, earning a shout of surprise from Zenitsu and Tanjiro.

You didn't budge or slide on the floor and held your ground to your friend. You triumphantly threw your hands up even higher with a huff to show you were alright.

An obnoxious squeaking noise sounded from outside your slumber. You rose from your futon to see Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke out of their own beds. The sliding door behind you was cracked open and allowed you and Tanjiro's crows to stand in the room.

"It is now morning! Wake up!" Tanjiro's crow alerted.

Your bird squawked with information. "The casualties of the Mugen Train! More than 40 are missing as of this very moment! You are to join Kyojuro Rengoku on sight!"

"Head West at once! Head West at once!"

Your eyes widened at your next mission details. The Mugen Train? Kyojuro Rengoku? A small smile came to your face, realizing Shinobu must have remembered and told the master of your inquiry about your mother.

"Oh wow, I can't believe I'm finally leaving the butterfly mansion! I don't know how long it'll be before I'm back, but I'm going to miss the girls..." You sighed at having to say goodbye to everyone. You enjoyed Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho's snacks and their small acts of assistance, how Aoi cared for you while you were recovering (even if that was her job), getting a chance to have one on one time with an amazing hashira, and even Kanao's silent interactions made you happiest person in the world.

You were so lost in thought that you weren't keeping track of where you stepped. You stepped too far out to the left side of the hallway and bumped into another person. They didn't seem fazed by the accident and continued walking.

The Music in my Heart | Various! Demon Slayer x NB readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum