Something More Important than Life

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Kyogai growled, "I will be getting my hands on that boy and claim my rightful place among the twelve Kizuki!" His eyes changed to a blue, one had 'lower six' carved into it. It was crossed out and had healed in his eye.

Your eyes widened and continued dodging his claw attacks and trying to adapt to the room. You found that taking small, shallow breaths helped your aching pains go away.

The drum demon grew angrier by the second and began his 'Rapid drumming' which was hard for you to believe. Nonetheless, the room spun faster and in every direction, making you slightly nauseous from the quick movements.

Kyogai soon stopped his drumming and let you fall to the floor on top of lots of scattered papers. You stabbed your weapon into the floor in a gap between some papers, leaning your body on your sword. You were able to hold yourself on your sword and have a look at the scattered writing; It was a story.

'That's it!' You thought. You again dodged all his claw attacks and quickly grabbed your guitar from your back. '7th form...' You gently brought your hand down on your instrument. It caused the demon before you to drop his arms to his sides, even though he didn't want to. The demon was in a trance.


(A/N: The song above is the one you're playing!)

You sang a song that you felt was the most appropriate to the feelings of the demon. You hadn't known much about Kyogai, but you put two and two together to make a song for him. As you sang, he slowly walked towards you with a blank expression on his face. You met him halfway in the room and made sure he was fully listening to your song and nothing else. On the last note, you swiftly chopped his head off and put your sword back in your guitar.

"I enjoyed your drum playing, your demon art was impressive." You spoke to him as he began disintegrating.

"Really...?" Kyogai stared up at you through his red eyes.

You nodded, "As much as I liked it, I cannot let you go for killing so many innocent people for your gain." You crouched down to his head, "But I hope in your next life you still have the love of drumming with you, because I think drums go well with the guitar. We could play together." Slowly you put your hands together and smiled. "May you rest in peace..."

Tears came from Kyogai's eyes, seeing how kind you were to him at his end. He felt content that someone had recognized his drumming and writing.

Before he completely disappeared you were able to get a blood sample from his body, gave it to Yushiro's sudden-appearing cat, and began leaving the mansion.

You felt a throbbing in your head and let yourself lean on a wall. The pulsing in your head slowly passed, but it took a while. 'Just keep it up, (Y/N)...'

You sensed the heartbeats of your friends, but something was strange about them. Zenitsu and the three kids were in a group, while Tanjiro seemed to be fighting with an...animal? Going to see what was going on, you hurried your pace and jumped out of the two-story balcony.

Tanjiro and the boy with a boar mask were fighting and paused to see you in the air. "What do you think you're doing?!" You spoke in a threatening tone and came down between them. You stirred up dust and made the two boys separate.

You slowly rose from the floor and inspected the area, "What's going on? Zenitsu, what happened to you?"

Zenitsu sniffled and gripped Nezuko's box tighter to him, "I...I was keeping the box safe..." His face was scuffed up, and it looked like he was badly beaten.

"Who hurt you?!" You worried and started walking to him.

Before you could get far, the boar mask interrupted you. "You! You're the person I want to fight! So come at me and not that weakling!"

The Music in my Heart | Various! Demon Slayer x NB readerWhere stories live. Discover now