The House with the Wisteria Family Crest

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Your messenger birds showed the way to a mansion that was down the mountain. As you approached the front gates, you could see the wisteria vine on the wooden doors. Your bird landed in your hands, telling you all to rest here. You sighed, in relief this time, that you could finally take a break. You ran your finger over the top of your bird in appreciation.

Soon after, there was a small noise of the door opening, revealing an old woman.

You smiled at the woman and bowed, "Sorry to bother you this late ma'am, but-"

"It's a ghost!" Zenitsu shrieked and held onto your sleeve.

The four of you followed the woman into the wisteria estate. She showed you to your room, supplying food and a change of clothes. Zenitsu once again yelled about the woman being a ghost. You pulled the boy's ear, causing him to wince in pain and stop his complaining. Once you were done eating, a doctor came to the room. He examined your group and bandaged you up.

Once he left you got into bed. It was you on the very far left, Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke on the right. Zenitsu was the first to speak, "Who would've guessed, we all have broken ribs..."

Inosuke moved his bangs and revealed to huge bump on his head, "This thing hurts a lot more though.."

"Sorry..." You stared at the ceiling. In total, your injuries far surpassed the boys, given they didn't fight as much as you. Unlike just the broken bones they had, you had many broken ribs, a broken leg, and a twisted ankle.

The topic changed to the reason to join the demon slayers, and Inosuke proudly talked about his. "A member of the demon slayer corp barged on my mountain, so we competed to see who was stronger. I took his blade as a reward!"

You deadpanned, 'That poor guy...'

"What about you, (Y/N)?" Zenitsu turned to you, "You've never talked about why you joined."

You finally broke your staring contest with the wall and looked at your friend, "Are you positive you want to hear? It's quite sad..."

"Only if you want to," Tanjiro said. It was silently agreed upon that you both had gone through something before meeting, but it was never further discussed.

You smiled and resumed staring at the ceiling, "My mother. My mother talked about the demon slayers a lot and would tell me stories about them, she couldn't get enough. And she was the one who taught me how to play guitar, she was a great woman. But when she passed away, it completely shattered me. I'm still not over it, she didn't die too long ago. She... was the first one to accept me, and I can't ever thank her enough for how much she's helped me. So, I joined the corp in honor of her, and to get back at the demon who hurt her."

Zenitsu stared at you with sorrowful eyes, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that happened..."

You quickly turned to him and shook your hands around, "No, it's fine! You didn't do anything wrong! I suppose...the first step of moving on is discussing it with people." A small chuckle came from you, "In a way you've sort of helped me."

"Helped you?"

"Well, as if it were possible to make it worse, I was the reason she died. It's on my mind a lot and it feels like a heavyweight on my shoulders...Ever since meeting you guys, you've gotten my mind off her and it's made me enjoy life again. As much as I don't want to admit it, my mother's not coming back, she was my reason for living. But if you lose your way of living, you just have to find another one to keep going. And you guys are...I suppose my new way of life. You guys make me want to be a better person, and to go on, not to be held down by the guilt of my mother's passing."

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