Against Corp Rules

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"Giyu Tomioka?"

Tomioka's head turned to you, his uneven spikey bangs moving with his face. His blue eyes stared into yours, his face an emotionless one.

You slightly smiled out of habit. From the number of stories you heard from your mother about the Hashira's, you were ecstatic to meet one. Inosuke seemed excited too, standing still and watching him.

The water pillar said nothing before turning around once more and began walking away.

"Fight me Mister mismatched outfit! You beat that member of the twelve Kizuki! So now, I'll beat you and become the most powerful of all!!"

You jabbed the boar in the side, causing him to flinch in pain. "Be respectful!"

"I have a better idea," Tomioka's quiet voice finally spoke, "Go train more. That wasn't one of the twelve Kizuki, could you not even tell?" He began unraveling a rope in his hands.

"Of course I did! I was just repeating what Tanjiro said earlier!" Inosuke boasted.

You nodded, "I don't know where he got that information, but it wasn't right. The Kizuki all have numbers in their eyes and he didn't. Even after defeating one of their ranks before, I guess I didn't have time to realize..."

"Exactly! I knew he couldn't be one of those guys!" Once the boar stopped talking, you realized he had been tied up to a tree.

Tomioka patted his hands off as he started to walk away again. You quickly looked at your own body and a sigh of relief came from you – he didn't tie you up.

"UNTIE ME!!" Inosuke growled.

"If you aren't aware of what state your body is in, you shouldn't be fighting." Tomioka's voice was soft, and you were the only one who was able to hear it.

You turned to your friend, "He's right, Inosuke, you should rest." You put your hands together, "My apologizes for this!" Before the boar could protest, you got behind him and hit a pressure point on his back to knock him out.

You stood back in front of him, inspecting his throat and face from under his mask. "My, you did hurt yourself..."

"He'll be fine," Tomioka said from far away. He turned his head to you, "The Kakashi will get him, come with me."

Your heart skipped a beat in happiness, did a Hashira just asked you to help them? Surely you were dreaming or something! You gave Inosuke another apology and ran after the water pillar.

Making it to Tomioka, you walked alongside him. You had to take quicker steps since he was walking faster than you. Silence hung in the air, no words being spoken, but you didn't mind. You had already known Giyu wasn't the talkative type and giving patience for him was quite easy. You were just happy you weren't wrapped in ropes as well.

"So, you've defeated a twelve Kizuki?" Tomioka's words cut the silence.

You looked at him and nodded. "Yes, I have. Though he was removed from the group, I'm certain. He had the lower sixth rank carved into his eye, but it had an x over it. He was also complaining that he wanted to 'claim his rightful place in the Kizuki'."

Tomioka gave the smallest nod and didn't say anything else for the remainder of your walk. The entire time his head never turned to you.

You scanned your eyes forward, hearing a loud noise. "Was" You sped up, walking faster than Giyu. Your eyes widened, "That's...that's Tanjiro!" there had to have been half a mile distance between you, but you could hear him.

"Where is he?" Tomioka finally looked at you.

You pointed forward, "Somewhere down there-"

As soon as you had pointed, the water pillar took off, disappearing and leaving a gush of wind behind him.

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