Quidditch game pt. 2

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After Dani and Jasper got done talking she was walking to the field when felt someone grab her hand and pull her away from any prying eyes.

"Good luck pretty girl." Enzo smiled down at Dani while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You ass hat! I almost had a heart attack." Dani lightly shoved him. Enzo laughed and put his hands on her waist. "What did I say earlier?"

"That us being together can't happen." Enzo gave her a lop sided grin. "But technically we aren't together and we're only kissing." Enzo lightly kissed Dani's jaw. He then kissed her neck.

"Enzo-" Dani gasped. Enzo's head lifted to make eye contact with her. "I have to go to the field."

"A couple more minutes?" Enzo pouted.

"Enzo no, I said before this can't happen." Dani pushed Enzo's hands off of her and walked away. Enzo looked down and signed.


Dani sat up on top of her broom scanning the arena for the snitch. "Come on, where are you?" Dani whispered to herself. As soon as she said that she heard the hum of the golden ball next to her ear. Dani turned her head and saw the snitch right infront of her. But as soon as she saw it, it was gone.

"It seems like Danielle Galdur has found the snitch!" Lee Jordan yelled into the microphone. As soon as he said that Harry was after Dani.

Dani turned her broom left and up getting closer and closer to the snitch. Harry was right on her trail. Dani didn't even realize they were above the clouds that cover the arena. "Holy shit!" She yelled out as she looked down.

"You can back out Dani!" Harry jokingly yelled at her.

"Not going to happen Potter!" She yelled back as Dani was about to reach for the snitch she felt a sharp pain go through her side.

"Dani!" Harry yelled after her as she felt herself start to fall from her broom.

"Is that Dani?" Theo asked as he stood up, looking up to the sky where a body was falling.

"Holy fuck it is!" Mattheo quickly got up from the bleachers and started running to the field.

"Mattheo, Dani used a spell called 'Astro Momentum' she ended up slowing her self down!" Enzo urgently said as he stood on the grass next to his friends.

"And your point is?!"

"Use that spell on her!"

Mattheo put his hand out "Astro Moment-" before he could finish the spell he fell unconscious.

"Mattheo!" Jasper yelled out to his friend. "Wake up!" Jasper didn't know what to do. "Some one go get Madam Pomfrey!"

"I'll go get her! Enzo go and try to get Dani!" Before Theo could run off a puff of green smoke went up in the air and they saw the dark mark. Screams started to ring through the quidditch pitch. Enzo looked back down at the field and saw that Dani was now on the ground.

"Fuck!" Enzo sprinted over to her with tears in his eyes. "No, no, no, Dani!" Enzo went to go pick her head up, but then stopped himself, and grabbed her hand instead. Enzo's head shot up to look at Snape who was running up to the pair with a fearful look.

"Who did this?" Snape questioned

"I don't fucking know!" Enzo looked down at Dani again with tears now rolling down his cheeks. "I'm- I'm sorry professor, there's just a lot going on."

"It's ok Mr. Berkshire." Snape kneeled down and went to go pick Dani's head up.

"No! Don't pick her head up! If her neck is broken she can go paralyzed from any sudden movement to her head." Snape looked at Enzo shocked. "Ani told me once." Snape nodded his head at the boy and took his wand out.

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