You were 7?

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TW: mentions of death, if you want skip Theo and Dani's talk thats perfectly ok. I'll mark when it starts with this :( then when it's over I'll mark it with this :)

"No please Draco! I wasn't actually going to do it! I swear!" Dani yelled out.

"Yes you were Dani! You even told me the plan!" Adrian yelled at her from beside draco.

"Adrian I thought we were friends!" Dani cried out.

"I only agreed to help with your stupid little prank to get into your pants! I would never side with you, you filthy blood traitor!" Adrian yelled back.

"Your going to pay for this!" Dani Yelled at Adrian and Draco.

"Shut it!" Draco pointed his wand at Dani. "CRU-"

Dani stirred awake and blinked back the sunlight spilling into the room. She looked to her left and saw Mattheo, Enzo, and Theo crammed asleep in the bed next to her. She heard the door open and looked over at it. Snape strutted over to her bed and whispered to her.

"I told you to stay out of trouble." Snape said in stern voice, observing the black eye and cuts along her face.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear what actually happened then?" Dani winced as she sat up in bed.

"All I heard was that you got hurt in a fight." Snape rolled his eyes, as he walked over to the boys on the bed.

"I got crucio'd." Dani said bluntly as she started to get out of bed.

" What!" Snape yelled. Startling the boys awake.

"What happened! Dani what's wrong?" Enzo asked panically.

"Nothing." Dani rolled her eyes and started to stand up. Snape put a hand on Dani's shoulder.

"Dani, love lay back down." Theo stood up.

"No I'm fine!" Dani put her shoes on and started to walk out of the room.

"Ani come on, you need to lay back down." Enzo got up and followed her. Snape followed after him along with the other boys.

"I'm going to my dorm to lay down." Dani said calmly and walked off. Snape still following her.

"Danielle your mother... your mother is here." Dani stopped and turned around.

"Why is she here?" Dani rubbed her hands down her face.

"She's here to check on you. I'll tell her you're not ready to see her. When you're ready we will be in my classroom." Dani nodded her head, turned around and left.


Dani walked out of her dorm and into the Hufflepuff common room and sat down on the golden yellow couch, looking into the fireless fire place with a sigh. 'should I go see her? Why is she here anyway? She didn't care last time.' Dani thought to herself.

After about an hour of contemplating she got up and left the common room and started to head to Snape's classroom. When she got there she saw that the classroom door was slightly open. Dani went up to it and eavesdropped on her mother's conversation with Snape.

"Severus, she's apart of a prophecy! If she and her brother meet, Tom will kill her! Or he might kill both! You need to keep Mattheo and Danielle separated!"

"Matilda! You can't keep them apart they're going to be 18 soon! They'll find out soon enough. Tom riddle has to die! If they are apart from each other then they'll definitely die." Snape started to walk towards the door.

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