I'm sorry

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After Dani cleaned Enzo up, and talked with Theo, and Mattheo, they all left and went their separate ways, the boys going to their dorms and Dani going to find Snape.

"Snape are you in there?" Dani said in a sing song voice as she knocked on his classroom door. Snape looked up from his work and looked at the door, before getting up and opening the door.

"Ms. Galdur wha-" Snape was cut off by Dani throwing her arms around Snape's waist and hugging him. Snape was taken off guard and didn't know what to do. "Danielle, is everything alright?"

"I jumped off a broom to try to catch the snitch at tryouts today." Dani sighed, and didn't let go yet, Snape had a small smile on his face. "Also I know my dad is Tom riddle, and that Mattheo is my half brother. I can also read minds and use wandless magic. I'm sorry that I got snappy with you after I got out of the hospital wing. I went to see you and to apologized but I over heard your conversation with my mom." Dani sniffled a little bit. "I'm sorry."

Snape frowned and pulled Dani back by her shoulders so he could look at her. "Dani you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry that you had to find out that way. I also apologize for you not being able to come talk to me about your new found powers." Snape pulled Dani back into a hug. "Did you at least catch the snitch?" Snape tried lightening the mood.

"Yeah I did. I know I'm awesome." Dani chuckled and pulled away from Snape, who had a small smile on his face. "Oh my God, Severus Snape is smiling!" His smile quickly dropped and he turned around to walk back to his desk.

"I'm not smiling, I was just.... tying not to sneeze." He tried to cover up.

"You smiled! And I'm the one who got you to do it!" Dani clapped her hands. "Obviously not the first but, I got to see you smile!" Dani did a little dance.

"Get out before I give you detention Danielle." Snape glared at her.

Dani stopped dancing "Jeez ok, sorry for trying to lighten the mood." She started to walk towards the door and paused. "What's the prophecy about?" Snape looked up at her quizzingly. "About Mattheo and I. Why aren't we allowed to meet? All I know is that if we come together then Tom will kill us both but what else."

"I'm not allowed to tell you. You've already heard too much from that conversation. What I can say though, is that both of you have immense power when together." Snape shooed his hand telling her to go away.

Dani was on a mission to go find Mattheo. He wasn't in his dorm or the astronomy tower, so where could he be? As Dani was walking towards one of the abandoned corridors she came across Enzo.

"Ello pretty girl! What are you up too?" Enzo said with a huge smile.

"I'm looking for Mattheo, Theo said he would be in the astronomy tower but he wasn't there. So I'm just looking around." Dani said looking left then right, then continued to walk.

"Why don't I join you, love." Enzo quickly walked after her and grabbed her hand.

"No, you don't have too. I need to talk to him personally." Dani let go of Enzo's hand then looked over at him with a smile, but her smile dropped when she saw enzo frowning and looking down. "Finnnnne you can come look with me, but then me and him have to talk personally." Dani said grabbing Enzo's hand again.

"I knew you'd come around!" He smiled. Dani looked at him with her mouth open. "Close your mouth sweetheart." Enzo put a hand under her chin and closed it.

"You're a manipulative bitch!" Dani laughed. "You're so fake." She shook her head.

"Well I want to spend more time with you pretty girl." Enzo smiled swinging their hands back and forth.

pretty boy~Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now