That's a huge ass snake!

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"The game that was decided by the head boy and girl, will be.....Man hunt!" The announcer said. Dani looked at Mattheo and started to walk away as the announcer was saying how the game worked.

"Dani why don't you play man hunt with us." Adrian said as he walked over to her.

"Because I don't want to be murdered." She mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" He looked at her. "I'm not taking no for an answer, you're playing." He grabbed her arm forcefully and pulled her along with him.

The large group of 6th and 7th years snuck out of the castle and headed to the forbidden forest. Mattheo, Theo, and Enzo caught up to Dani and Adrian quickly. Enzo grabbed Dani's hand and pulled her away from Adrian. "Stay the fuck away, Pucey." Enzo spat at Adrian. Theo roughly pushed him, and Mattheo tripped him with his foot as Adrian fell into the mud. They looked back at him as they walked away.

"Watch your fucking back Danielle! When you're alone you'll fucking die!" Adrian yelled after her. Dani tensed up and gripped Enzo's hand. He looked down at her.

"Dani it's fine. We won't let you be alone. I promise." He smiled at her.

"His last name is Pussy for a reason, he's not going to do anything." Dani smiled a little. Theo and Mattheo laughed while Enzo gave her an unsure look.

"You got that right love." Theo chuckled and threw his arm around Mattheo after lighting a cigarette, he took a puff and passed it to Mattheo.

"Elle you need someone to hide with you, if you don't get picked." Mattheo said and took a puff of the cigarette. Dani stopped walking and looked behind her and saw Hermione walking with Harry and Ron.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk with 'Mione." Dani smiled and let go of Enzo's hand that she didn't even realize she was holding on to until she walked off. He looked down at his now empty hand and wiped away the coldness on his jeans.


"Hey 'mione! How is the party so far?" Dani asked looking infront of her to see her boys laughing and pushing each other.

"It's going really well!! Ron got a bit buzzed, but it's going fine." Hermione smiled. Dani laughed at Ron along with Harry. "Hey are you ok? I saw what happened with Adrian."

"Yeah I'm fine! He's not going to try anything." Dani smiled. She was trying to convince herself it would be okay.

"Are you sure? I don't want what happened last year to-" Dani cut Hermione off.

"Nothing is going to happen!" Dani yelled then looked around her at observing eyes. "Nothing is going to happen 'mione I promise." As she got done talking she ran into the back of someone not realizing everyone stopped around her.

"Watch where your going princess." Theo turned around with a smirk. Dani rolled her eyes.

"Ew don't call me that." Dani made a 'bleh' noise and stood in-between him and Enzo.

"Only I can call her princess, right pretty girl?" Enzo wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Dani shrugged his arm away and shoved him a bit making him laugh. "No," she quieted down and mumbled "but pretty girl is fine" Dani thought she mumbled quiet enough but Enzo heard her and he had the largest smile on his face.

"WELCOME TO THE FORBIDDEN FOREST! We will be picking 4 hunters, since this is a big group! We have been watching all of you all night! We know exactly who we're choosing!" The announcers yelled. "Our first hunter will be.....ADRIAN PUCEY!" Dani grabbed the closest hand to hers.

pretty boy~Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now