Aresto Momentum!

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It's been about a week since the whole incident in the forbidden forest, and a month since school started, so currently it's October 1st. Dani was now walking to the quidditch field with her yellow gear on, her silver arrow broom in her left hand and a cigarette in the right. "Ms. Galdur! That better not be a cigarette!" Dani stopped walking and threw the cigarette hearing a voice that sounded similar to Madam Hooch's but a tad bit deeper. When Dani turned around she came face to face with Enzo.

"Did you eat Madam Hooch?" Dani asked looking around.

"What the fuck? No, I just got her voice down, I've been around her a lot." Enzo laughed and swung his arm over her shoulder and started walking with her.

"That's really creepy. Don't ever do that again." Dani laughed, lightly pushing Enzo's arm off of her.

"I won't do it again love, I promise. What position do you play?" He asked reaching around her, taking her broom out of her hand and inspecting it.

"Seeker, it's the funist potion, and I don't have to do much unless it's chasing the snitch." Dani looked up at him as he stepped in front of her putting his hand out to stop her shoulder keeping her from walking.

"It is the best position. I would know. Also 'funist' isn't a word." Enzo shrugged his shoulders and started walking backwards.

"Wait you're a seeker? And to me it is." Dani said with a shake if her head. "Wait does that mean I'll be kicking your ass this year?"

"Ummm who said you'd be kicking any ass at all?" He paused for a minute "how come we haven't met at all? I mean we even play the same sport."

"That's because Cedric Diggory was seeker, I was back up just in case he got hurt. Then after he left, Summerby took the position then he graduated last year, so this is my first year actually playing. Why are you here anyway? It's not conjoined tryouts." Dani ranted as she looked down at her feet.

"I saw you leave the castle with quidditch gear and wanted to come watch you play. I also want to see who my team is up against." Enzo stopped walking, which led Dani running into him. One of Dani's hands fell to his waist while the other was on his chest. "Wow Dani, don't you think it's too soon to be falling for me?"

"Oh my God," Dani pushed Enzo away and kept walking. "It was your fault anyway."


Enzo sat in the Slytherin section of the field watching as the Hufflepuff team did two full laps around the field then did stretches. 'Damn Dani looks really good' Enzo thought. Dani smiled to herself as she read his mind.

Dani had been trying to do more mind reading. She would ask Mattheo but they haven't talked about her reading Adrian's at the party. So, she brought it upon herself to teach herself. She was looking around the stadium at the different house bleachers, and her eyes landed on a group of Ravenclaw boys who were looking at her team, examining them. Dani learned that you have to focus on the person to be able to read their mind, she also learnt that you don't have to look at them for to be able to. You just have to think about reading that persons mind and boom you can (I'm sure there's a better way to explain this). She scared a couple of 2nd years because she was staring at them for a solid 5 minutes not blinking. At first she thought that it would just come to her like a vision to a seer. It's harder then it seems. Sometimes her head feels like it will explode if she tries too hard.

'damn those girls and guys are looking fine as fuck'

'I wonder what dinner will be tonight?'

'isn't that Enzo's girlfriend?' Dani was a bit surprised by that one. She would have to tell him later. They would get a good laugh.

'damn that seeker looks fit'

pretty boy~Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now