Mom is always disappointed!

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That night Danielle walked into Snape's class, with a slight smile on her face. "Oh my God, I beat the shi...crap out of that guy!"

"That's not something to be proud of, Ms. Galdur." Snape said getting up from his desk and swaying towards the chalk board.

"Why are you defending a guy who touched a girl without her permission?" Dani sat on top of one of the tables.

"It's none of your business Ms. Galdur, but Mr. Pucey has a months worth of detention." Snape turned to look at her.

" you mean Pussy?" She said then laughed at her own words.

"Danielle! Do not use that language inside of my classroom or infront of me!" Snape snapped.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know my mother was here." She laughed again.

"Your mother probably would have done the same thing as you." He looked at her knowingly

"She would?"

"No. She wasn't as reckless as you in school. If the school sent her an owl, she'd probably be disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in you Danielle. Just be happy she won't be finding out." He turned back to the board.

"Well my mom is always disappointed in me, so there's nothing new with that." She shook her head and scoffed "Why do you care so much about me anyway!?" Dani asked Snape.

"Because...I made a promise to your mom when she was pregnant with you that I would always protect you." Snape confessed

"Well where were you when my dad left? She's abusive and manipulative! If you cared so much then you'd come see her!" Dani got up and left.

"Ms. Galdur! Detention isn't ove..." The door slammed shut and Snape just turned around and started to write on the board.


Danielle didn't go to her dorm that night instead she went to Hermione's. Hermione knew all the drama that went on with Snape and her mom.

"I just don't understand! He was her best friend! How could he just abandon her when she needed him most." Danielle was beyond frustrated.

"Maybe there's a reason? I mean when you asked him about your dad last time he didn't seem to like the subject, maybe your dad did something that made Snape hate him and your mom."

"Oh my gosh 'mione! Your a genius! I'm going to ask him more about my dad! Maybe I'll finally find out who my dad is!" Dani said with a smile.

"Yeah maybe! But don't do what you usually do and get all defensive when he gets all cold." Hermione said with a slight tilt of her head.

"Whaaaat I don't do thaaaat." Hermione gave her a goofy grin. "Ok, yeah I won't, I promise." With that both of them fell asleep.


The next morning Dani walked over to the Slytherin table and saw Pucey glare at her with two black eyes and a bandage across his nose. She looked away smirking.

"Look at you pretty girl! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever love!" Enzo said as Dani sat beside Mattheo.

"we saw each other yesterday evening walking in the halls." Enzo went red. "You even started to chase after me to talk to me." Dani had a small smile.

Mattheo and Theo let out a chuckle.
"Well love, I missed you dearly!" Enzo had a huge grin on his face.

"Well I didn't love." Enzo rolled his eyes at her.

"Mate you better stop flirting with her. You saw what she did to Pucey." Theo chuckled. Enzo stopped smiling immediately.

"Don't worry Enz..Lorenzo I won't beat you up. Unless you touch my bum without my permission." Dani laughed.

"Elle almost called you Enzo!" Mattheo looked at Enzo with a slight smile.

"Yeah she did boys! I'm one step closer to getting Dani to fall for me!" Enzo cheered

"I did not! Also, how did you find out my name?" Enzo laughed at her.

  "When Snape yelled at you to stop beating the shit out of Pucey." Enzo laughed again.

"Dumbass." Theo quietly muttered to himself while he stacked as many pancakes as he could onto his plate. Dani nearly gave herself whiplash with how fast she turned her head to look at him.

"The dumbass here is you when you go and barf your guts out from eating all those pancakes." Dani quickly stole one off his plate.

"Give that back! I also don't barf things up matter of fact." Theo grabbed another pancake from the large pile in front of the four.

"Um, remember that time you had the brilliant idea that you could eat 4 large bags of candy from Honeydukes, and barfed it up that night then cried." Mattheo fake gagged then laughed.

"Oh! Oh! Remember that time you thought those muggle wax sticks you color with were edible so you ate like 3 then through up?" Now Enzo, Mattheo, and Dani were laughing their asses off.

"That never happened!" Theo slammed his hands down onto the table.

  "Well Ani is right, so don't eat anymore pancakes because I don't want to deal with your stanky ass breath." Enzo laughed.

"Ani? What kind of nickname is that?" Dani took a bite of the pancake she stole from Theo.

"It's my nickname for you. Saying Dani is too much work so I gave your nickname a nickname!" He laughed at himself.

"Ok, well I didn't come here to talk about....that. I came here to talk to you three about a prank I want to do." They looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"What?! You prank people? You don't seem like it." Mattheo said as he stole a pancake from Theo.

"I haven't seen my pranking buddy Peeves around to help me with it, and yes Mattheo I do." She smiled then looked at the three boys. "So you guys are my sloppy seconds. And you're all going to help me."

"Glad to know we're at least an option." Enzo beamed. Dani looked at him for a brief moment.

"Where should we meet tomorrow for the party and at what time." She looked back at the rest of them.

"I mean, I could meet in your dorm to-" Enzo was cut off by Dani throwing a piece of bacon at him.

Theo laughed and looked at Dani. "Meet us in front of the Slytherin door at..." He had to think for a minute. He knew Snape ran detention late so he had think around it. "At 11" Dani nodded her head.

"Okay! Thank you. If you excuse me I'm going to go see 'moine." She started to get up out of her seat.

"Wait love! Can you please help me with my Herbology homework?" Enzo looked at her.

"Hmmm let me" she smiled him and walked away to the Gryffindor table.

Next chapter is the party!!! Also I'm kind of basing Enzo and Dani's relationship off of James and Lily's relationship when they went to Hogwarts. Also I know most of the characters wouldn't act the way they are in my book. Like ik Snape wouldn't care for Dani but for the sake of the book pretend he would. Also can we all please agree that Enzo would be a swifty.


"Fire whisky?" Dani asked Enzo.

"Yep! The best there is! Also there is some muggle herb over there on the coffee table...if you want to try any of it." Enzo said with a smile

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