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New York City. Lively as ever.

"I know this isn't the first time you have stayed with me but we did renovate the entire upper floor and I have been feening to show it to you," said Ella.

"Hell yeah!" I followed Ella up the staircase to get a tour of the fascinating house.

"So, yeah, that's about everything new in this place." Ella plopped down on the couch of her living room.

I scanned around the place, finding a turquoise-blue antique vase with intricate designs in gold and black. "That vase is stunning. Where did you get it?"

Ella turned the TV on, before replying. "That vase was a gift I think. Or no, it's the one I bought in a flea market in London. It's one of my favourite pieces in this flat."

She flipped through the channels on the TV when she stopped on Jimmy Kimmel's late-night show. 

"Tonight's guest has had a meteoric uprising thanks to his lead role in the largest action film of this year, which is currently on its way to breaking countless box-office records. Please welcome Y/N Y/L/N." The camera panned across the stage to the dramatically opening elevator doors, followed by a puff of smoke through which Y/N exited.

The crowd cheered as he walked out.

"Oh my god, is that smoke safe?" Y/N coughed as he greeted Jimmy and took his seat. "Not quite the entrance we had planned." 

Jimmy giggled as the interview began.

"I don't know if our viewers here know this, but you and your co-star Percy Ledger are best friends. How did you two meet and form this amazing partnership that's visible on screen?"

"Well, he was my roommate in Julliard and also the guy I copied my assignments from." He paused as the entire room burst into laughter. 

"I hope none of my teachers are watching, but a few months into year one, before we became friends, we were tasked with writing an essay on the Meisner technique and its applications in romantic comedies. I hadn't written anything up to the day leading to the deadline and to make things worse I wasn't well versed with the technique. So, in a last-ditch effort, I swiped Percy's essay, copying most of his content."

"And did he find out?"

"Not until both of us got called in for academic malpractice. For my repentance, I wrote the next three essays for him."

"And that's how your friendship bloomed."

"Quite literally."

"Now, a question about your female co-stars, Olivia Rodrigo and Hailee Steinfeld."

"Shoot." Y/N resettled on his seat, as the camera switched to the crowd, who suddenly seemed more interested than ever.

"Who is your favourite?"

My ears perked up and I sat up straight. My sudden movement was enough to catch Ella's attention. 

"Looks like the vase isn't the only thing from London you like," Ella said.

"Huh?" I turned to look at her.

"Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. You know I can't." I heard his voice again from the TV in the background.

Ella didn't say another word and just quietly returned her eyes to the TV.

"Hailee Steinfeld, tell us about her." Jimmy's words were followed by a cheer.

"I don't think you have enough airtime for the answer."

The crowd gasped as Y/N blushed slightly. I may have also turned a little red as Ella returned her eyes to me with a sly smirk.

Forever Misunderstood [Hailee Steinfeld]Where stories live. Discover now