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"So, you and Hailee?" Percy teased. "Yeah. What about it?" I asked, trying to dodge his question. While Hailee and I have yet to advertise our post-work get-togethers, Percy has caught on. It's challenging to hide stuff from a roommate. "Nothing. Nothing." He replied quickly, not wanting to piss me off early in the morning. But before I could get another word in. "It's good to see you make friends. You don't do that very often." He added. I ignored his remark, but Percy knew me too well; he knew his comment got me thinking. 

We walked onto the set, excited as today meant we were three-quarters of the way done with the shooting in LA. This meant more travelling and stunts, a welcomed change from our dull dialogue scenes. "One iced coffee for my bestie," Liv said as she handed me the drink. "How did you-" "Percy texted," Liv interjected. I smirked, giving Percy a knowing glance, as he smiled back and walked towards the make-up chair to get ready. "What would I ever do without the two of you?" 

"Grab burgers with a co-star?" she said, chuckling. I groaned in annoyance as I started walking away. I put distance between me and Liv, knowing very well that a barrage of questions was heading my way. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised. "It's nice. I like you making more friends," she said. "Huh?" I said, confused. "Y/N, you are an amazing soul. It's time more people learnt that" she replied. "Thank you," I said, still stumped at Liv's lack of curiosity. 

Unluckily, Liv struggled to contain her questions any longer. Her face was red, looking like it would burst open anytime. "I can tell you have questions. Go ahead." I said. "Okay. Thank you. I have no idea how long I could hold myself back." she replied. "How is she? What do you guys do? Have you told her about your family? Or lizzy? Have you forgiven her? Do you like her now?" she poured out. "One. At. A. Time." I begged. 

"Have you forgiven her?" "No." 

"Then why meet her regularly." "I like having company, I guess."

"Is she fun?" "Fun, sort off. But, Annoying. Very."

"You like her? " "Nope. But I respect her slightly."

"Respect her?" "She has been raised with good values by an actor's standard. I respect that."

"But what about the 'situation' then?" "By an actor's standard. Not a very good standard, in all honesty. Despite that, I think she is a nice person." 

"Will you ever forgive her for it?" "Maybe. If I ever get to understand her point of view."

"When's that?" "No idea."

"She's your type." "WHAT?!"

"Percy and I were talking yesterday while you were out. She is your type. Dark hair, eyes, a cute smile, stunning legs and a skinny body. That's without even considering her personality." "Nope. Nope. That's too vague. It would make you my type too."

"I am the exception. But you think I am pretty? Damn. That's the sweetest thing you have ever told me." she said sarcastically. "Not the point you should be taking away. Maybe you got my type all wrong."

"Nope, your last long-term partner, Natalie, would care to disagree." "She was the exception."

Liv shook her head as we settled into our makeup chairs to get ready. "My type is blonde, blue, maybe green eyes with a little bit of fat in all the right places. Like Scarlett Johansson," I lied. "Okay. You can keep lying to me, but how long will you lie to yourself." 

"Y/N, Hailee. Get up here." Tom yelled as Hailee, and I scampered into our positions for the scene. "Ready?" He asked. We nodded. "3,2,1. Action." 

"Rebecca. Where's Simon?" "Not here yet."

"We were supposed to rendezvous here ten minutes ago." "He will be here. We have to start downloading the data."

"We can't start. If Simon doesn't get here before the download ends, we miss the transfer window. We lose the data. We can't risk that." "We just have to trust him to get here on time then."

Forever Misunderstood [Hailee Steinfeld]Where stories live. Discover now