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"Today was torture. I will see you at home. The spare keys will be in the fake pot on the porch." I told Percy, who was heading out with Liv and crew mates, to grab a drink. We returned to LA last week to start shooting most dialogue scenes. It was tedious work. Unlike the stunts, it was repetitive and boring. I spent the previous evening learning lines and repeating them countless times the next day. It had become a cycle engrained in my brain at this point.

The only saving grace, I was working with Liv and Percy. I sat with them every break and scene cut, chatting our free time away. We talked about Liv's new album, which neither of us had heard. Liv was saving it for some grand theatrical release she had planned for us. We spoke about Percy's obsession with comics. We talked about my lifeless love life. 

But as Liv and Percy left the set, I stayed back to help the set director and his team clean up and prepare the location for tomorrow's shoot. It meant longer working hours, but being involved in the movie in such an extensive capacity was exciting. It also helped me plan my actions for the camera, like where I would deliver my lines from, where I could move around and where my co-stars would stand. It made me reshoot scenes less and soothed the perfectionist within me. 

"Let's have the table with the gadgets against that wall, so if we stand here, it's in the background, and the camera has a good angle on all the actors. Even the lighting will frame the shot nicely." I told the set director, pointing out the wall and making expressive hand movements to describe the image in my mind. "That's not a shabby idea. It would prevent the shadows on the faces." He replied before urging the team to move the table. I chipped in, helping them drag and carry the stuff to its new place on set. 

"What about the briefcase with the money? There is no space for it on the table." He asked, pointing to a large briefcase filled with prop money. "Have Y/N hold it in the scene. This scene is right as we enter this room, right?" The unwelcome voice of Hailee asked as she made her way to us. "That's perfect." The set director replied, happy with the idea. "Cool. Anything else left?" I asked him. "Nope. I will see you guys tomorrow," he replied before he left with his team. 

This left me and Hailee me standing in unpleasant silence. I didn't want to initiate any conversation, so I started packing up the chairs scattered around by the crew. To my surprise, Hailee joined me as the two of us cleaned up the room in minutes. "Thank you," I said, appreciating her effort. "No issues." She replied with her stunning smile. 

We stood a few metres apart, but even from a distance, I could see her cheek muscles form as she smiled. I missed seeing a smile framed by those cute faux dimples. The last time I saw that was on my Mom's face fifteen years ago. Despite my aversion for Hailee, her smile was an appreciated view. "You are staring," Hailee called out, pulling me from my thoughts. "Like what you see?" she asked flirtily. "Take a picture," she added with a smirk. 

I shook my head and started to walk away, but inside I began to like her annoying interferences. They were a fun relief from long hours on set. "Bye, Hailee." I wished her as I turned the lights out and left, stranding her in a pitch-black room. I heard the clicking sounds of her heels as she sprinted behind me.

"Y/N, wait up," she yelled, catching up to me. "Where are you heading?" "Home." I lied as we walked to the parking lot. I walked to the taxi stand to grab one, and Hailee walked to her car. "I could drop you home," she said. "You could, but I would have to give you my address. No thanks." I replied sassily. "Funny," she replied sarcastically, giving up on convincing me to join her immediately.

I got into my taxi and asked the cabby to drop me at my favourite burger joint. A twenty-minute ride later, I was stepping into the eatery, absolutely famished after a long day's work. As I walked in, the smell of the juicy cheeseburgers and freshly fried fries filled my nostrils, sending me to heaven. That was until I smelt a familiar scent, a feminine scent. Miss Dior, maybe? That's when I realised. To my disappointment, Hailee stood in front of me in the queue. Luckily, she wasn't aware of my presence yet, so I silently stepped behind her in the line. Unfortunately, god had other plans. 

Forever Misunderstood [Hailee Steinfeld]Where stories live. Discover now