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"American Airlines would like to warmly welcome you to Maui, where the local time is currently 20:10. We are pleased to say the landing is approximately 15 minutes ahead of schedule, and we hope you have enjoyed the flight with us today. The aircraft is still taxiing, and customers are reminded to remain seated with their seatbelts fastened until the seatbelts signs are switched off. For customers with checked luggage, a reminder that our flight number today is AA205, and the baggage collection belt is belt number 3. When we arrive at the stand, please be careful when opening the overhead lockers, as items may have moved during the flight. Finally, thank you for flying with American Airlines, especially our partner flier members and Deluxe cardholders. Your loyalty is hugely appreciated." The announcement rang through the insides of the plane as passengers scrambled to collect their baggage from overhead bins. 

Sitting on the aisle seat next to me, Hailee got up to remove her purse, but I dragged her back into her seat. "Wait." Liv leaned ahead to look at Hailee's furrowed eyebrows and pouted lips. "Let me get my stuff." Hailee slapped my hand away, trying to get up, but I pulled her down again, annoying her further. That's when Liv jumped in to defend me and calm her down. "Let everyone clear out, Hailee. There is no rush." I pointed at Liv with my thumb, acknowledging her explanation. 

Hailee puffed her cheeks and blew out a raspberry before settling into her seat. A few minutes later, the crowd of passengers cleared out through the backdoor when Percy got off his seat two rows ahead and waved at me. "Hailee, you can get your purse now." I teased her, poking a finger into the soft flesh right under the side of her rib. "Ouch!" She jumped out of her seat and collected her bag before darting away, leaving me, Percy and Liv behind.

We caught up with a tired and annoyed Hailee, picked up our suitcases and caught a taxi to our resort. 

Thirty minutes later, we entered the lobby of our resort, greeted by the staff. Liv and Percy approached the receptionist and picked up our room keys while Hailee and I scampered to explore the resort. We were met with a jaw-dropping multi-layered pool that overlooked the beach that stretched miles on either end. 

The pale white full moon's shine lit up the pool and its surroundings in a subtle white hue. The stars in the stunning dark sky twinkled as bright as the moon. "The sunset would look pretty over those mountains." Hailee's raspy voice overhauled the silence enveloping us. I looked at the mountains in the background, observing the beautiful scenery in the dim lighting.

"It would, wouldn't it." 

That's when Liv and Percy joined us in revelling the view before us. "You think this view is pretty. Wait till you get to our place." Hailee and I looked at Liv in awe, wondering what would top this view. "This way." Percy pointed to a winding staircase that scaled a cliff to a lonely but eye-catching house. 

We followed Percy up the stairs as the hotel keys jangled in his palms. "That's our place," Hailee asked, turning to Liv in disbelief. "Yes, yes, it is." Liv smiled proudly as we climbed up. 

Percy made his way to the door, unlocking it, for us to be greeted by a stunning marble floor, high ceiling living room attached to a granite top, oak furnished, and fully decked out kitchen. "A personal chef makes breakfast tomorrow for us at nine, so be up then," Liv said as she scrambled upstairs to our bedrooms. 

The rest of us followed suit, climbing the staircase to a hallway with four bedrooms. Liv walked out of the first bedroom on the right, claiming it as her own. "I will take this one." I nodded, following Hailee into exploring the room directly opposite it. "Wow." Hailee gasped, covering her open mouth with her hand. "That's some view." I gasped in disbelief as I noticed how the balcony stretched over the cliff and floated fifty-odd feet over the sea. The cold sea breeze blew through the rattling balcony doors. 

Forever Misunderstood [Hailee Steinfeld]Where stories live. Discover now