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Y/N grabbed onto the dock to stabilise the rocky kayak as Liv struggled to step in. I heard Liv apologise before she stepped back and gently got into the kayak. She traded a few words with Y/N, more than he had with me since last night. Liv nodded as they started paddling towards me and Percy. 

"Liv. The lifejacket looks great." I pointed to her tiny lifejacket made for a ten-year-old. Liv returned a terrifying glare and set her paddle down before flipping me off with both hands.

"LIVVVVV, paddle!" Y/N screeched as her paddle slid off the kayak. Luckily, she lunged forward and caught it by the end. Liv chuckled childishly while Y/N shook his head in disappointment, as they slowly paddled to us. 

"What's the plan?" Y/N turned to Percy, who shrugged, before suggesting a race. 

"A race?" My ears perked up, while Liv groaned disapprovingly. "I am down," I added looking at Y/N who seemed down for it. My eyes lingered a little longer but our eyes never met.

"Let's do it then." Y/N nudged Liv in the back with the paddle. 

"Ughhh. Okay." Liv accepted her defeat with a sigh. 

"First to the rocks," —Percy pointed out a rock formation— "wins." The rocks stretched from the dock in a circle, going around the perimeter of the bay, till the opening into the ocean. 

Liv peered at the rocks, trying to estimate the distance. "It's a hundred-ish meter." Y/N read her mind. 

"We go on 3, okay?" Percy started counting down. "1,2..." Everyone readied their paddle and had their game faces on. 


With a splash, we took off as everyone started paddling. We started pulling ahead slowly as I vigorously paddled, huffing and puffing every time the paddle struck the water. Percy kept a constant pace behind me, often slowing down to correct course.

At the halfway mark, we were at least a kayak length ahead of our competitors with victory all but sealed. That was until my shoulders started aching, with every stroke in the water feeling tougher and slower like the water was turning to honey. 

Ten meters from the finish line, I looked beside me to see Liv and Y/N pulling ahead quickly. My adrenaline kicked in, giving me one quick boost of energy and motivation as I gave it my all. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

"Let's go." Y/N high-fived Liv as they celebrated. "Consider me impressed, you might be the greatest athlete of all time in a ten-year-old lifejacket." Liv blushed before slapping Y/N on the chest for his snarky comment. 

The push was strong enough to push Y/N off the kayak and the sudden weight change rocked the boat enough to drag Liv down as well.

Percy burst out laughing as we made our way to them and turned their lopsided kayak the right way up. I stretched my arm out to Y/N, who grabbed hold and got onto his kayak, before helping Liv up.

"That's karma you little shit." Y/N styled his wet hair off his face. He turned to me, our eyes meeting for the first time since yesterday. "Thank you." His mystical black eyes which hid his warm personality, now reflected his cold outside. 

"Anytime." I squeezed out, peeling my eyes off him, begging, that I could relive last night and change the choices I made.

"Kinda tiring," Liv announced shaking her tired arms and making me realise how much my shoulder ached after that. I set my paddle down on the kayak as everyone relaxed in their seats after that tiring ordeal.

After a short break, we roamed, spending the morning exploring every corner of the vast bay. We reconvened at the dock as my stomach growled in hunger. 

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