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    The night passed in a blur. After reuniting with Ron and Lockhart, (who had no recollection of who he was), they flew on Fawks back to the school. They instantly went to Dumbledore and explained everything to him.

    For a minute Elsie was worried that they would be expelled, but instead they had received special awards for the school and sent on their way.

    Later that night Harry told her and Ron how he had seen Lucious Malfoy barge into Dumbledore's office with Dobby the House Elf at his heels. Suddenly everything that he had done to Harry had made sense, though he did have an odd way of doing it, he had tried to protect Harry.

    To show his thanks Harry tricked the older Malfoy into giving Dobby one of his socks, setting him free.

    The next day Elsie had been relieved to learn that exams were cancelled and that they could just enjoy the last few days of term before the summer holiday.

    But the best part of the day had to have been the Great Feast where all of those who had been petrified returned.

    "Its Hermione!" Neville called, pointing to the front of the Great Hall where their bushy haired friend was beaming in the door.

    Elsie and Harry rushed out of their seats and ran to meet the girl, tackling her into a hug with large smiles on their faces.

    Eventually they pulled away and Hermione faced Ron, looking as though she was about to go in for a hug as well, but at the last second stepped back and held out her hand for a shake.


    "W-welcome back Hermione." Ron looked at her happily.

    "Its good to be back. Congratulations, I can't believe you solved it!" The girl shook her head in pride.

    "Well you did most of the work," Elsie said modestly.

    "We couldn't have done it without you." Harry nodded in agreement.

    Dumbledore stood up and the four sat back down. "Could I have your attention please?"

    "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified." Elsie clapped hard along with the rest of the hall, aside from Malfoy and his goons.

    Before the headmaster could continue with his speech the Great Hall doors were thrown open once more, revealing Hagrid. "Sorry I'm late,"

    The giant man stalked through the tables, headed for the Professors table, but suddenly stopping before the four. "I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Harry... and Ron... Elsie and, Hermione, of course... I would, uh... I'd still be you-know-where, so I'd... I'd just like to say thanks." Hagrid sniffed.

    Harry shared a look with the others, his eyes lingering on Elsie's for longer, "Its not Hogwarts without you Hagrid."

    Elsie joined Harry on his feet and threw her arms around Hagrid as the others followed her lead.

    The whole hall clamored to their feet, bursting into wild applause with whoops and cheers echoing off the walls. Hagrid looked around in amazement, tears running down his rosey face.

    Everything had worked out for the better once again. And though the Greenes would be appalled to learn of her rule breaking, she couldn't help but live in the moment.

    Right now everything was perfect. They had won and lived to see another day, Voldemort was gone, Hagrid was back, Hogwarts was safe. It was something out of a book, everyone was happy, and Elsie could only hope that they would continue to live on like this. Basking in the victory. The joy.


"Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end." -Unknown


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