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    Elsie hardly had time to process the fact that the statues mouth was opening before Harry grabbed her arm and began to run back the way they had come.

    "But Ginny!" Elsie cried in protest.

    "We'll come back, come on!" Harry urged, continuing to run.

    Thats when Elsie heard it. A low hissing sound followed by splashes as something large landed in the water.

    The Basilisk.

    "Close your eyes!-" Harry shouted before tripping over the slippery floor and falling to the ground.

    Elsie could feel the presence of the snake behind them as she fumbled around the ground, searching for Harry. She kept her eyes squeezed shut, refusing the urge to open them and look at the monster.

    "Harry!" Elsie cried.

    "I'm here," Harry called back, a few feet to her left. Elsie reached out and grabbed him by the cloak only to be thrown the the ground by a heavy force knocking into her chest.

    "El!" Harry yelled as she was thrown from his grasp. Elsie couldn't keep her eyes shut as she flew through the air and landed in a shallow pool of water.

    She groaned and sat up, seeing the backside of the snake leaning over Harry who was covering his head with his hands for protection.

    Before Elsie could call out a warning Fawks dove from the air, headed straight for the basilisk.

    Elsie forced herself to look away and the snake thrashed about while Fawks clawed at its eyes with its large claws.

    "No! Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you." Tom Riddle cried once Fawks had flown away once more.

    The snake was blind. Elsie made a mental promise that if she got out alive she would worship Fawks forever.

    While the Basilisks most deadly weapon was destroyed, it still had its long fangs, that barred angrily as it whipped around in confusion for its sudden loss of sight.

    Harry lumbered to his feet, splashing some water as he did. Without a second to prepare the basilisk froze then lunged at the boy.

    "Harry run!" Elsie screamed as the boy began to sprint down a corridor, the snake not far behind.

    Elsie needed to help him, but she didn't know how. Sure she could do wandless magic, but what spells would work against a giant, fast snake? Elsie scanned the giant room, looking for a solution, then she saw it.

    It can still hear you.

    Riddles words sat clear in her mind as Elsie dashed for the center of the Chamber, where Ginny lay.

    If the Basilisk was blind then it would be relying on its ears. She needed to throw it off. Distract it.

    Elsie picked up her speaker and hit it repeatedly against her hand, praying that it would play.

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