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    When Elsies eyes came into focus she found herself standing in a new fireplace. She carefully stepped out, brushing the ash from her clothing as she examined her surroundings.

    She seemed to be in a store, only it was filled with fireplaces. All around her there would be sudden bursts of green before a witch or wizard would step out of the fire, promptly dusting themselves off and exiting the store.

    Before Elsie got the chance to continue looking around someone appeared from behind her, knocking them both down.

    "Nice to see you again Elsie," George grunted, moving so that the squished girl could stand once more.

    "Ouch," The girl dusted herself off once again. "You know you're supposed to move out of the way right?" George laughed humorously before being knocked off his feet by another person appearing.

    Elsie couldn't help but laugh as she watched Fred and George shove each other on the floor. "You might consider taking your own advice." The girl snickered as the boys pulled themselves to their feet and moved out of the way just as Mrs. Weasley appeared.

    "I've looked all over the store, I can't find Harry anywhere," Ron stated worriedly coming over to the group as Percy appeared.

    "Oh dear," Mrs. Weasley frowned.

    "Perhaps he ended up on another floo," Percy offered.

    "Perhaps," Mrs. Weasley looked around as her husband appeared. "Lets all split up and look for him, meet up at Flourish and Blotts when you're done."

    Elsie nodded setting off on her own to find the black hair boy. She exited the shop to find the streets of Diagon Alley pleasantly busy.

    It was just as she remembered it, the smell, the feel. All of it was just as breathtaking as it had been last year.

    Not exactly having a plan Elsie set off to a random shop in search of Harry.

    Several minutes of searching passed, and there was still no sign of the scar-head. Elsie was beginning to grow worried. She decided to look in one more shop before heading over to Flourish and Blotts.

    The store was a potions shop, with cauldrons and ingredients stacked around in neat piles. It reeked of fish and metal, though it was a big store there was hardly anybody inside.

    Elsie wiped her sweaty palms on her pants before treading further into the store. After weaving between the shelves it was very clear that Harry was nowhere to be found.

    With a heavy heart Elsie decided to turn in, she just hoped that one of the Weasley's had more luck.

    As the girl turned to leave she saw something that made her heart drop to her stomach. Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson were just entering the shop, loudly conversing.

    Elsie hadn't ever properly met the Slytherins, but she had witnessed them and their bullying more than enough to know that they were trouble. Pansy had short dark hair, and a face screwed up as if she was deep in thought. Blaise had smooth dark skin and short hair to match. His features were admirable, but he always seemed bored, or fed up. Theo had black hair and a defined face, he had grown slightly taller over the summer, but that didn't change his ugly personality.

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