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    For breakfast that morning Elsie was having toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. She wasted no time devouring the plate and going in for seconds. Harry on the other hand hadn't eaten a single bite.

    "Go on Harry, have some toast," Ron tried.

    "I'm not hungry," Harry frowned picking at his food with his fork.

    "You will be." Elsie said.

    "They're right Harry, you're gonna need your strength for today." Hermione sighed.

    Just then Snape appeared behind them. "Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin."

    Elsie fought to keep from rolling her eyes as the professor walked, or limped, away.

    'Don't listen to him, you'll do great." Elsie said, though Harry wasn't listening, just looking at Snape.

    "That explains the blood." He muttered.

    "Blood?" Hermione questioned.

    "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." Harry explained his theory and Elsie had to admit that it made sense.

Snape was a suspicious guy. He seemed to have a hatred for everyone who wasn't completely miserable. And now he was limping?

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione questioned.

"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret." Harry whispered.

"So you're saying..." Hermione started.

"Thats what the dogs guarding." Harry nodded. "Thats what Snape wants."

A sudden screech called out causing many heads to turn and look. It was Harrys snowy owl, Hedwig, and she was flying towards them, carry a giant parcel.

"Its a bit early for mail isn't it?" Ron thought aloud as the package was dropped in front of the group.

"But I-I never get mail," Harry stuttered.

"Lets open it!" Elsie grinned.

The group began pulling at the string until the paper fell away, revealing a very nice looking broomstick!

"Its a Broomstick!" Harry grinned in delight.

"Thats not just any broomstick Harry! Its a Nimbus 2000!" Ron exclaimed staring at the broom as if it were some sort of treasure.

"Woah," Elsie breathed as she ran her hand over the smooth wood.

"But who-" Harry trailed off as he realized Hedwig now sat new to McGonagall who was smiling mischievously at the group.

A little time later and it was finally time for the Quidditch match. Elsie couldn't wait to watch. As she walked down to the pitch she talked with Dean, Seamus, Ron, and Hermione.

"I bet that Slytherin will catch the snitch at 110- to 120," Seamus bet.

"Thats not very house confident," Elsie joked.

"Well to be fair no one knows just how good Harry is," Dean said.

"I bet Gryffindor will catch the snitch at 50 to 40," Ron said.

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