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   Hogwarts was even better than Elsie had ever imagined. It was straight out of a fairy tale. The stone castle seemed old, yet there was no doubt that it was sturdy. The fall wind rustled the trees and sent their leafs flying away. The sun was set now, causing the big lake in front of the school to be illuminated by the stars.

"First years this way!" A gruff voice called out. Elsie made her way over to the man who yelled along side Harry and Ron.

"Hi Hagrid," Harry grinned up at the man. He was tall, maybe triple the height of Elsie, and he had long curly brown hair and a matching beard. He would have been intimidating if he hadn't had the kind look in his beady dark eyes or his rosy cheeks that reminded Elsie of Father Christmas.

"Hiya Harry, you alright?" The man, Hagrid as Harry called him, asked.

Ron looked up at him in awe, "Woah,"

"Alright you lot, this way!" Hagrid bellowed holding his lantern high and leading the group of shorter kids away from the train station.

After a minute of walking they soon arrived at a dock where dozens of mini sail boats sat, as if waiting for its passengers.

"Four to a boat, and no funny business, the sooner we cross the lake, the sooner we feast!" Hagrid ordered climbing into his own boat.

Elsie wasted no time getting into a boat as she was starving. Ron and Harry followed after her as well as another boy she didn't recognize.

As the boats set off Elsie turned to him. "Hi, I'm Elsie,".

The boy was slightly chubby with dark hair plastered against his forehead. He seemed nervous and quiet.

"I- I'm Neville," He sniffed.

"You're the boy who lost his toad right?" Harry asked as if he had just remembered something.

"Yeah," The boy said sheepishly.

"Did you find him?" Elsie asked curiously.

"No." He looked greatly saddened and Elsie felt sorry.

"Hey check it out!" Ron suddenly cried out, pointing in the distance.

Elsie turned and saw the stone castle just ahead of them. Now that they were closer Elsie could clearly see its many towers, the orange lights from inside lit it up like a jack o lantern, and the stary sky seemed to only add to the magical exterior.

"Its beautiful," Elsie breathed leaning forward in the boat.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, the reflection of his circle glasses gleaming.

Soon the boats were once again docked and the children were following after Hagrid into the castle.

"I hope I don't get lost," Elsie muttered to her boat mates.

"Worst comes to worst you could always ask a portrait," Ron motioned to one of the paintings on the wall as they climbed a stone stair case.

The picture was of a woman in a purple ball gown holding a goblet. Elsie was shocked when the woman raised her other hand and waved at her.

Ron laughed at her expression. "C'mon, the sittings starting soon."

When they reached the top of the staircase they were greeted by an older woman with her hair in a tight bun. Professor McGonagall, Elsie realized.

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