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The next day Elsie, Harry, and Ron all sat in Transfiguration muttering about how on earth they would manage to sneak off and question Myrtle.

    Going anywhere alone at this point was near impossible. There would always be a professor one step behind you, and while Elise felt partially relieved by this, it was also very inconvenient.

    As if Elsie didn't have enough on her plate as it was, that morning McGonagall announced that their exams would be in one week.

    Elsie hadn't studied an inch, having had been so caught up in the attacks and investigations.

    Ron however had it worse, he looked miserable as he stared at his broken wand, which had begun to whistle. "Can you imagine taking exams with this?"

    Days later and as Elsie was preparing to head down to dinner she couldn't help but notice something missing in her room. As she looked around she just couldn't place her finger on what...

    Brushing it off Elsie decided to worry about it later and continue on her way.

At the feast came the first good news Elsie had heard in weeks. McGonagall announced that tomorrow tonight would be the night that the victims of the attacks would be cured.

At once the hall erupted into cheers, Elsie included. She would finally get her friend back, and maybe they could forget about this whole ordeal!

At that second Ginny sat down in front of the trio, looking guilty.

"Whats up?" Ron questioned, shoveling some potato's in his mouth. Ginny didn't answer right away, instead she wrung her hands together in her lap and would dart her eyes from the floor to Harry.

"I've got to tell you something." Ginny swallowed harshly, looking more scared than Elsie had ever seen.

"What?" Ron questioned leaning forward, beginning to grow impatient.

Harry looked around before lowering his voice, "Is it about the Chamber of Secrets? Have you seen something? Someone acting odd?"

Ginny drew a breath, but never got to say what she had seen because at that precise moment Percy appeared, looking exhausted.

"If you're finished eating I'll take that seat Ginny. I'm starving, I've just come off Prefect duties." Percy sighed, Ginny jumped up hurriedly and scrambled away.

Elsie groaned in frustration as Ron faced his older brother grumpily. "Oh way to go Percy, she was just about to tell us something important!"

Percy spat his drink out. "What sort of thing?" The boy coughed.

"We just asked her if she's seen anything odd and she-"

Percy cut Ron off before he could continue, "Oh thats nothing about the Chamber of Secrets."

Ron shared a skeptical glance with the others, "How do you know?"

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