12) Nuisance

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"Hermione's feeling a little better now, but it's still wise to let her rest for a few weeks, not just so she recovers from the physical pain, but also the mental trauma." Oliver Wood says to Harry.

Harry nods.

"I'll try my best to take care of her," Harry says, as he sighs. Just when Hermione's life was looking up, something tragic had happened to her. She was feeling much better ofcourse, but there was still a hint of confusion as to why her broom acted that way.

Did someone really jinx it? Why had they done so? Hermione hadn't really made any enemies, so why had someone purposely done this to her broom?


Hermione doesn't know. All she knows is that she HAS to find out whoever did this to her.

Later, Ron and Harry escort Hermione to Hagrid's place, the gamekeeper of the Hogwarts grounds, a big man, with an even bigger, kind heart.

As they approach the steps that lead to the cottage, Harry knocks on Hagrid's door.

A man with a large beard covering his face opens the door. So this is Hagrid, Hermione wonders. His stature and size do look very intimidating, but somehow, his eyes show kindness.

"Why, look who's here. If it isn't Harry and Ron. Oh? You've brought a friend along with yer? Hullo, I'm Hagrid. I'm sure, yer must be..Hermione?" Hagrid says, as he welcomes them into his humble abode.

Hagrid's Hut is this small place, messy, yet very cosy and comfortable. It's filled with things scattered all around, and there's a large dog, who certainly looks scary, but tilts its head as Hagrid removes a cookie from an ancient looking cookie jar. He waves it at the dog, and the dog drools all over the place. Hagrid chuckles, and throws the cookie outside, to where the dog flees in an instant. Hagrid smiles, and then looks at the three.

"Ooh where are my manners? Wait a second,"
Hagrid says, going into a small pantry. A second later, he comes back with a plate of iced biscuits, fresh and delicious.

"It's really not that much, yer three, but really, help yerselves ter as many biscuits from the tin as you want,"

The three nod delightfully, as each dig into the plate, eating away at the scrumptious biscuits. Ron licks his fingers appreciatively, and Harry licks his lips. Hermione still nibbles her first biscuit.

"Hey, not much of a eater, are you now, Hermione?" Hagrid says, his great fat hands patting Hermione's back.

"It's just, I'm not that hungry," Hermione says.

"That's alright, just gimme yours will you?" Ron says, ready to snatch the biscuit in Hermione's hand. "You won't be having it anyway," Ron says, eyeing the biscuit greedily.

"Now Ron, all yer gotta do, is ask, little man," Hagrid says, getting up to fetch the jar of biscuits. He hands out 3 to each, and pops one himself.

"Well, the thing is Hagrid, we wanted to tell you something. A day back, Hermione fell off her broom. Well, almost. Wood caught her just in time. Thank God for him. The point is, we all think someone might have jinxed Hermione's broom. And Wood suspects it might be,"
he looks outside the window to check if anyone is eavesdropping, "Malfoy," he continues.

Hermione looks up then, her head no longer bent. She stares at Harry, wide-eyed.

"Draco?" She asks him.

"Wood suspects him. Something's just not right about the way he behaves." Harry points out.

"But he's a normal boy, you can't just judge someone you don't even know! That's totally barbaric," Hermione says, frustrated.

"No, it's not. He's evil. Almost the whole school knows it, so why is it so hard for you to admit it? And why are you taking his side anyway?" Harry asks her.

"Well, I just figured you could blame someone, if and only if you had strong evidence against the person. Otherwise, it's completely futile." Hermione says.

"Whoever it is, they might've been jealous of you. Such a young, brilliant witch you are, Hermione, ofcourse they're gonna try ter knock you off the broom," Hagrid says to Hermione.

"Who exactly might "they" be, Hagrid?"
Hermione asks solemnly, as she looks around Hagrid's messy cottage. She sighs deeply and wonders out loud.

"I know one thing. It couldn't have been Malfoy. He wouldn't do that to me,"
She says quietly, walking up to the window.

"How do you believe that?" Ron asks, looking at her.

She exhales, her breath forming a mist on the window.

"I just know," she says.

"I just know," she says

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