7) Distance

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"Okay that's enough!" Hermione yells at all the three.

"First of all, HOW did you even get inside the Gryffindor common room? The Fat Lady couldn't have let you in, not unless you had the password." She pauses, looking at Malfoy and sighs heavily.

"You did have it, didn't you? How'd you get it?" She asks Draco.

The room is silent. All of them are trying their best to speak quietly so as to not wake the other kids, but it's getting hard not to shout when Harry Potter is glaring at Draco.

"However you got it, we don't care. You musn't enter another House's Common room. It'll lose you points. But frankly, we aren't someone to snitch Draco, so I warn you, get out of here before I open my mouth in front of Snape," Harry says, threateningly, an edge to his voice.

Draco says nothing. He pauses for a second to look at Hermione, and then leaves the common room, his footsteps receding. That look he gives Hermione, a look which says
"I thought we were friends", confuses Hermione.

Unable to think properly, she sinks into a big, soft bean bag, sighing deeply. Just then, she hears the pitter-patter of huge raindrops, falling on the window sill.

"Oh no," she whispers to herself. She hunches up into a ball, wondering if she should just skip quidditch practice.

Harry has already gone off in a huff, eventually finding his broom, behind a large pot of plant, only he doesn't laugh, because the joke was spoilt by Malfoy's entrance into the common room.

Ron has left with Harry, to accompany him to the quidditch practice.

"Will be better than to sulk here, in this damp place.." Ron had said.

Hermione drags the bean bag towards the large window, and sinks on it. She then leans her head on the glass, and closes her eyes, thinking what to do next.


"Hermione? Hermione!"
It's Parvati Patil, gently tapping Hermione on her shoulders to wake up her up.

Hermione gently opens her eyes, and looks at Parvati. She then realizes she had dozed off on her first day of quidditch practice!

She looks out the window, and sees a bright, sunny sky shining. It's already morning.

She gets up from the bean bag, her heart thumping with fear. What could be the consequences of missing her first ever quidditch practice?

Detention? Hatred by her other teammates?

WHY didn't Harry or Ron do anything about this? WHY didn't they wake her up?

Hermione slams her palms onto her head, grabs her hair, and pulls it hard.

"URGHHHH" She yells, frustrated with her life.

Parvati looks at her, horrified.

"Are-are you okay?"
Parvati asks, nervously Patting Hermione on the back. It's clear to even Hermione that she looks a mess and she's driving everyone away. Parvati's expressions give away a great deal.

"I'm fine," Hermione says, sniffling.

"Parvati? Don't tell anyone about this," Hermione says, looking at Parvati solemnly.

"About what?" Parvati asks, looking confused.

"The state I look in. It's dreadful. My hair is dishevelled and my eyes look puffy. And you might even think I've gone a little mental, but that's not true. I'm just stressed, Parvati," Hermione says, looking done with her life.

"......I understand," Parvati says. She pats her shoulder awkwardly, and leaves the room.

"Everything's a mess..." Hermione whispers, hugging her knees.

She feels gray and gloomy. She finds her way back to the girls dormitory. She tears the quidditch jersey from her body, and takes a small shower. Then she changes into her Gryffindor uniform and robes.

Today, the first hour, she has transfiguration class along with Hufflepuff, taught by professor Mcgonagall. She atleast has something to look forward to, but, to her total surprise, she looks sullen even during the class.

She yawns and groans the whole class, and when asked a question, she's unable to answer.

Professor Mcgonagall shakes her head at Hermione.

"Miss Granger, I want a word with you in private. Meet me in my office after the class," Mcgonagall says to her.

Hermione, after the class, walks towards professor Mcgonagall's office, dragging her feet. She sees a bunch of first year Slytherins, walking towards the charms class.

Among them is Draco Malfoy, walking with Crabbe, Goyle, and a really pretty witch with a bob cut. He smiles as he talks to her. Then he suddenly glances at Hermione.
Hermione waves at him, smiling weakly.

Malfoy doesn't even look at her. He walks away, along with the other Slytherins, not bothering to give her a second glance.

 He walks away, along with the other Slytherins, not bothering to give her a second glance

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