11) nonchalant

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"Urghhh, Where am I?"
Hermione rubs her forehead, as she gets up from her bed, but a jolt of pain hits her like a sharp knife, and so, unable to sit upright, she crashes back on the bed.

"Oh dear! You're running a high fever," Madame Pomfrey, the Hogwarts nurse says worriedly.

Hermione looks at Madam Pomfrey, unable to speak properly.

"Don't fret, I have just the right medicine for you. You should be able to be on your feet in a giffy!" Madam Pomfrey says, as she stirs a concoction of -

Well, of something.

"Drink up dear," Madam Pomfrey says, as a sick Hermione opens her mouth. She winces at the taste of this concoction for a second, the bitter taste. But then the flavor changes into treacle tart, sweet and crisp. She licks her lips appreciatively.

"There, you'll be better in no time. It'll take an hour or so, rest all you want right now," Madam Pomfrey says, patting Hermione gently.

"Thankyou Madam Pomfrey," Hermione says hoarsely, weakly smiling at Madam Pomfrey.

Hermione's head hurts a lot. Did she bang her head when she fell?

Why wasn't her broom working properly?

And moreover, why couldn't she control it?

Countless questions wander in Hermione's mind, as she slowly falls asleep, fatigued.


"Hermione!" A voice is heard in the middle of the night.

Hermione wakes up with a start. She looks beside her, to find Ron, leaning on her bed.

"Ron? What're you doing here? That too in the middle of the night? You might get caught!" Hermione hissed at him.

"Don't care. You're kind of important, you know?" Ron says to her.

Hermione looks at him.

"Important huh?" She says slowly.

Ron's face turns red.

"I-I mean, why, yes, not in that way! It's just, you're my friend. If anything happens to you, who -who would I copy off my work from?" Ron says, getting flustered, looking the other way.

Hermione chuckles.

"So, it's just the homework?" Hermione asks him.

"....no," Ron whispers.

"You're my friend," Ron says, looking directly at Hermione.

"Sure. Ofcourse I am." She says.

" She says

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