6) Assemble Quidditch players!

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Finally, the day Hermione was dreading has come. Finally, she might give a chance of embarassing herself in front of the skilled quidditch players.

Did she really make such an impression that day? She never actually focused much on flying when she was on her broom that day. Her mind was filled with other thoughts of Draco calling her a mudblood, which, that day, shook her a lot. She tried to brush it off that day, but it was too much of a burden. She couldn't forget what he had said to her.

A mudblood.

She wanted to erase this name from her memory forever.

Quidditch had never been one of Hermione's strong suits. It was always something to do with spells, and potions, or anything that was readable and didn't actually require any particular movements.

But quidditch was a whole different subject she had to master,now that she had been chosen the chaser of Gryffindor. What if flying on the broom that day was just a fluke? What if she fell on her bottom off the broom in front of everyone and made a fool of herself, while everyone sniggered and pointed at her? She'd likely not return to Hogwarts ever again if that was the kind of reputation quidditch would give to her.

Now, she slowly breathes in, as she wears her Scarlett quidditch jersey, and steps out of the girls dormitory. She does it quietly, as she doesn't want to wake anyone up, tiptoeing down the stairs and to the Gryffindor common room. It is quite chilly at Hogwarts today, and the cool Breeze freshens her up. She rubs her palms and stays near the fireplace for a while, sighing deeply. Who knew early mornings at Hogwarts could be so pleasant?

"Morning Hermione," Ron says, coming to sit beside her.

Hermione jumps.

"Ron! You scared me, what are you doing up so early anyway? Don't you have 4 more hours to sleep?" She asks, shivering.

"Wanted to see you practice quidditch. And truth be told, I don't want to sleep much, I always end up waking up later than others, maybe this would do me good," Ron says, rubbing his palms to produce heat.

"You wanted to see ME practice quidditch? ha- I just hope I don't embarass myself in front of everybody. Maybe I should just quit. I don't know the first thing about quidditch," she says, looking nervous than ever.

"Oliver Wood is an exceptional quidditch captain, even though he can be a bit bossy at times. Don't worry though, he might be kind to you since it's your first time playing quidditch. And also, Fred and George are on the team too. Beaters both of em. Really talented, even though I hate to admit it," Ron says to her.

"I was wondering, where's Harry? Haven't seen him since yesterday," Hermione wonders out loud.

"He's just left for the quidditch field. But he'll come back any time now.." Ron says mischievously.

"But you said he just left?" Hermione asks, looking confused.

"Because I hid his broom silly. Anytime now," Ron says.

They wait in silence for a minute, before Hermione says, "What's taking him so long, maybe he won't come-" but as she's about to complete her sentence, both of them hear footsteps.

"Harry-" Hermione gets up, but stops dead in the tracks, to find Draco Malfoy.

In the GRYFFINDOR common room.

He frowns at her.

"You're a quidditch player now, are you?" Draco asks angrily.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asks, looking furious, folding her arms.

"Nevermind what I'm doing here! Why are you a quidditch player? And why didn't you tell me?" Draco asks Hermione.

"What? Why would I need to tell you? Are you insane Draco?" Hermione tells him, looking confused.

What was it to him?
Hermione just doesn't get this boy.

"Well, you could've told me before! I thought we had become friends?" Draco says to her. "I got to know about this from Snape, of all people!"

"Leave her alone, Malfoy." Ron says, looking at Draco dead in the eyes.

"What? Don't cross the line Weasley, I know the likes of you, so stay where you are." Draco says to Ron.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Hermione says to Draco, looking insulted.

Draco stares at her, looking puzzled.

Just then, Harry Potter walks in, looking here and there.

"Ron, where's my broom? I-" He pauses, as he sees Draco Malfoy.

"Well well, if it isn't Harry POTTAH himself," Draco says, glaring at Harry.

Harry glares back at him. Ron looks at Draco intimidatingly.

Hermione just stands, not knowing what to do, looking worried.

Hermione just stands, not knowing what to do, looking worried

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