9) Serependity

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"She smiles back at me, and my heart almost jumps out of my chest. Or does summersaults, and I feel weak,"

When Hermione had not told him about her being a quidditch player, It definitely broke his heart and made him feel sad. Draco had heard this in the potions class, when Mcgonagall suddenly Interrupted the class and asked Snape to step out for a minute. This was probably her telling him that Hermione and Harry, two brand-new first years had been chosen to play for Gryffindor's Quidditch team. Snape, entered the class that day, with gritted teeth. Draco suspected something had irked him and so he decided to ask Snape what was bothering him.

"It's none of your business, Mr. Malfoy, however, since you're an important part of Slytherin, I'll tell you. They've chosen 2 quidditch players from the first years for Gryffindor. Honestly, I understand Harry Potter is the new talk of the school, but I don't see why they let Miss Granger become the Gryffindor chaser? I mean, what's the point in that?" Snape hissed, as Malfoy froze.

"Granger?" Draco asked.

"Yes, harsh times indeed Mr. Malfoy. Be that as it may, you're going to try out for the seeker position in Slytherin next year. Off you go now," Snape had said, gliding off into the corridor.

Draco thought he didn't hear right.

Hermione Granger? A chaser? That was good news, wasn't it? Then why hadn't she said so to him? Did she really think becoming a quidditch player was going to make her superior? Moreover, why hadn't Draco known about this? Weren't they supposed to be friends?

Draco pondered for a night. But he couldn't sleep. Early morning, much before dawn, he woke up. He had to find out the reason why she hadn't told him. Draco regarded Hermione as a friend, even though she never talked to him much. But the smile she gave him every single time they spoke to each other, said about her a lot.

He slowly got up from his bed, exited the boys' dormitory of Slytherin, and headed to the Gryffindor common room.

However, the fat lady had stopped him.

"A Slytherin boy? Well, you aren't exactly allowed here are you now, lad? Well, off you go then! Silly first years, the lot of you, can't tell the difference between your dormitories!" The fat lady laughed, and became still. Draco frowed at her, and went back to his dorm, looking sulky. He woke up Crabbe, who was snoring like a pig.

"Oye! Wake up," Draco hissed at Crabbe.

"Huh-oh, umm, wha-what?" Crabbe said sleepily.

"You know the password to the Gryffindor common room, don't you?" Malfoy whispered.

"Huh? Uhh, yeah? A girl from Gryffindor told me. She's dumb really," Crabbe said, his eyes closing fast.

"Wake up! And don't talk so loudly! Now, tell me, WHAT, is the Gryffindor password?" Draco asked him.

"I think it's Caput Draconis." Crabbe said, looking at Draco.

"You're sure?" Draco asked.

"Quite," Crabbe said sleepily.

"Okay, go back to sleep," Draco said, and left the dorm. Crabbe plonked back on the bed like a lazy sloth, and Draco didn't even have time to react.

He slowly walked towards the Gryffindor common room entrance, to where the fat lady's portrait hung, and whispered to her,

"Caput Draconis,"

The fat lady opened her eyes, and looked at Draco in awe.

"Say what now?" She asked him.

"Caput Draconis!" Draco said to her, a little louder.

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