Noah-9 - cold and alone

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^^ this will make sense later but this is what i had in mind^^


I slowly pry open my eyes, every inch of my body throbbing in agony. "Holy shit," I silently gasp, letting my head sink back onto the floor. "Good, you're fucking awake," my dad's voice pierces through, the cold grip of his words sinking in as he observes me from his chair, nursing a drink. "Get up," he commands, and I struggle to rise, only to collapse once more. "STAND THE FUCK UP!" he bellows, jolting me, though not physically. Eventually, I manage to haul myself up, his vitriol propelling me more than my own strength. "Good, now get the fuck out of my house. Since you love to leave when you're not allowed, then you can sleep outside in the goddamn rain," he sneers before retreating to the kitchen, no doubt to fill his own void with sustenance.

Snatching my phone from the bed, I leave the house, stepping into the pouring rain. Limping to the park, I collapse onto a bench, my phone shielded from the rain, my heart a tangled mess of emotions. "Fuck," I mutter, realizing I never got Theo's number. Sinking back onto the bench, rain and tears melding on my face, I find myself battling overwhelming memories. "Please, God, just kill me," I plead, the pain and trauma consuming me as I sob uncontrollably. Minutes stretch like hours before I muster the strength to rise, limping toward a bridge, its railing a lifeline over a chasm of desperation. Sobbing, I clutch the railing, whispering apologies to Theo as pain courses through me. The precipice beckons, my mind locked in a battle of conflicting thoughts—jump, end the pain, but what if Theo cares? A torrent of doubt swirls as I gaze at the abyss below. "No," I cry, recoiling from the edge. Crumpling, I sob, the agony unbearable as I clutch my stomach. Gradually, exhaustion envelopes me, and I surrender to sleep."Hey," a voice rouses me, a hand shaking my shoulder. My eyes flutter open to an older man kneeling beside me. "Are you okay?" he inquires with concern. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?" I jolt upright, panic driving me to reject his offer. "No, don't call an ambulance, I'm okay," I almost beg, my voice shaky. I stumble away, back to the park, only to realize my phone is missing. Frustration surges within me, and I slump onto a bench. "Noah?" someone calls, and I glance over my shoulder in disbelief. "Theo?" I question, shock painting my features as he approaches, concern etched on his face. Speechless, I offer no explanation. "Come on," he commands, his grip on my arm causing me to flinch from pain. "What happened to you?" he demands, and I remain silent, uncertain of what to say. "I'm going to take you home," he asserts, wrapping his arm around me gently. "No," I whisper, my voice almost a plea. "Did your dad do this?" he asks, his gaze locked on mine as I nod weakly. "Then you're coming home with me," he declares, the shock in my eyes mirrored on his face. "What?" I manage to utter, confusion flooding my thoughts. "What? There's no way I'm letting you go home, and there's also no way I'm letting you stay out here," he states firmly, guiding me towards his car.

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