🏴‍☠️️🎦One Piece: The Movie🎦🏴‍☠️️

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🎦🏴‍☠️️One Piece the Movie! Hunt For the Great Gold Pirate's Treasure! Watch Your Ears With El Drago!🏴‍☠️️🎦

In East Blue, there was a man known as the Great Gold Pirate. His name was Woonan.

Through countless battles, Woonan robbed those with excessive gold. According to legend, his crew required a mountain of gold, which glittered at night, emulating daytime.

A few years ago, however, Woonan suddenly faded away.

The Great Gold Pirate hid his treasure on a remote island, and died.

That rumor remains intact to this day, and many pirates continue to search for the island.

There exists a map created by one of Woonan's crewmembers.

Whoever procures, the map will be able to find the island.

They say the dazzling mountain of gold is buried on a legendary island.

Floating adrift at sea, a dark spiky haired young boy sits in a crate with nothing but the tan brown waistcoat over a light yellow shirt on his back, brown, slightly torn shorts tied with an olive green sash, brown shoes on his feet and a sack of food. Tied over his shoulders is a black cape with a flame design on the bottom and a red inside.

"The Great Gold Pirate..." He murmurs in deep thought.

So deep, in fact, that he doesn't see the massive galleon until it's right within breathing distance of his crate.

And if he couldn't see the cutlass-toting cutthroats amongst the thick fog that hangs in the air, he can clearly make them out as cracks of lightning light up the dark skies, along with the deck full of bleeding, dead bodies of the crew they just slaughtered.

A massive dark-skinned man with bright red hair snatches a rolled up parchment clutched in a corpse's hand

"At last, I have it. Woonan's map."

Despite the storm-worn galleon now teeming with pirates, either killed or the one's still standing who did the killing, the boy still boarded the ship, finding it better than drifting about in a storm in only but a crate.

He hides behind a barrel, careful not to be seen as he silently witnesses the scene.

The man cackles loudly, his lion-like appearance being lit up by the strikes of lightning, revealing gold shoulder pads on the cape he wears, but also gold on his sharp nails, as well.


Elsewhere on the sea, the Going Merry and Ocean's Compass sail steadily along. The crews, however–mostly the Straw Hats–are feeling too miserable to enjoy the calm rolling of the waves or the soft breeze that guides their caravel.

Why are they so gloomy on this picturesque day, you ask?


Well, the perpetual growling of their stomachs might have something to do with that.

Zoro and Luffy lay strewn about the deck, unable to even stand with their hunger draining all their energy.

"I'm starving!" Luffy whines.

"The last time we ate was a week ago, right?" Zoro inquires. "And that was with Ula's stores that she shared with us."

"The cloud looks so tasty."

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