🏴‍☠️️[8] Orange Town Arc ~ {5}🏴‍☠️️

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🏴‍☠️️Ch.8: Gum-Gum Vs. Chop-Chop! Shown of the Devil Fruits!🏴‍☠️️

"In all my life, I've never been as mad at someone as him! That bastard, Shanks, stole countless riches from me. I don't know how you two are connected, but I can say whatever I want about him! I've earned that!" Buggy growls.

Ula raises her visible brow. 'Shanks' loyalty to those he's close to has never been called into question. But then again, I've only met him personally a handful of times. Yet, umama [1] nor baba [2] would grant him position as my godfather if he is anything but trustworthy. I remember stories from both Shanks and Uncle Ray-Ray saying that Aunty Iria had to pull them apart on more than a few occasions. But the way they talked about it was young boys being rivals. So why does Buggy hate him so?'

Buggy then proceeds to tell the tale of how Shanks "ruined his life".

Ula can only deadpan at the tale's end. He was acting like he was the victim in all that.

"So...are you telling me that Shanks saved your life?" Luffy questions.

"No, that's not the point I'm trying to get across! Because of what he did to me I was unable to swim, and therefore unable to obtain my sunken treasure!" Buggy exclaims.

"Sounds more like karma." Ula scoffs, refusing to be swayed by the clown's 'sob story'. "You were stealing from your own crew. Then you decide it would be a good idea to hide a Devil Fruit, of all things, in your mouth! All it takes is a bite to receive the Fruit's power. Who's to say you wouldn't have gotten Chop-Chop powers just from having it on your tongue? Everything then was your own damn fault! Don't go blaming Shanks for your own stupidity and selfish desire for treasure!"

"Silence! Once I'm down with your scrawny little friend, you're going to become part of the Buggy Pirates!"

"I'd rather kiss an angry piranha." Ula quickly retorts.

Buggy chokes.

"I'm no one's arm candy, prize or pet. Anyone who tries to chain or cage, will be ferried by me personally to Davy Jones, himself." Ula glares murderously at the clown captain.

Veins begin popping up on Buggy's face with his growing frustration. "Fine! If that's how you want to play it. Then I just have to fight you and show you why I'm the better choice as an allied captain!"

He returns his attention to Luffy. "After what Shanks did to me, I had a revelation! If I couldn't go underwater, then I would just obtain treasure on dry land. Using my brand new Chop-Chop Powers. And now I won't let anyone who touches my treasure live!"

Buggy disconnects his upper half from lower half, floating it high above in the air.

"Death to those who try to pilfer my hard-earned treasure!"

He seemingly zooms right in Luffy's direction, yet zips right past both him and even Ula.

"Get back here, you thief!"

Attempting to use Buggy's focus on Luffy and Ula as an opportunity to sneak by, Nami is caught in full view dragging her sack of purloined treasure.

Nami shrieks, seeing that she's been caught red-handed. "Damn it! He spotted me!"

Finding the strength to lug the sack over her shoulder, she takes off in a sprint.

Luffy turns to see that Buggy hasn't even done anything with his lower half. He shifts his gaze to Ula, a mischievous grin on his face.

Ula mimics the expression. 'Who's the one leaving themselves wide open now, Buggy?'

"You don't stand a chance of escaping from me! Now, I'm going to flashily chop you up!"

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