Episode 26: Gotta Go

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"Hurry up, slow poke," I pouted, grabbing Mikey's hand.

"Relax," Mikey laughed. "The place doesn't open for another ten minutes."


Mikey and I were walking to the ice-skating rink. It was finally December, which meant that it was finally open. I basically dragged Mikey to come with me. Usually I would go with Katsume, but she was on a date with Chifuyu.

It didn't take long for us to make it to the entrance. Finding a bench, I took a seat, lacing up my skates, while my boyfriend went to the stand to rent his. My skates were a pretty (f/c) color. I really enjoyed skating, so I bought them a few years ago.

"Geez, that line took forever!" Mikey complained, sitting down next to me.

"Told ya, we should've come earlier," I smirked.


I easily stood up, used to my skates, while Mikey was extra wobbly. This was his first-time ice skating, hence why I forced him to come with me. I grabbed his arm, attempting to stabilize him, but it did not do much.


Mikey fell on top of me, landing with one arm on each side of me. I really hope that no one saw that. We stayed there for a moment before he placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled himself off of me.

"Oops, my bad," the blonde laughed, sitting down.

"It's fine," I blushed.

Standing up, I offered him my hand.

"Come on, try not to fall on me again."

"No promises!"

It took a few minutes to walk to the opening of the rink, but we made it there in one piece. I stepped onto the ice first, helping Mikey grab onto the wall.

"You should stay close to the wall until you get the hang of it," I suggested.

"Don't worry," he smiled. "I'll be fine."

He stupidly let go of the wall. Oh well, he'll learn one way or another. Mikey kept himself up for a few seconds before leaning backwards too much. *Thunk* The blonde fell on his butt, while I crossed my arms.

"Should've listened to me, dumbass," I giggled.

"I meant to do that," he pouted, looking away. "It was a trust fall."

"Yeah, right."

I pulled him back to his feet, turning backwards. Luckily, the rink wasn't too full yet. I grabbed his hands again, trying to help him in a different way.

"If you're too stubborn to use the wall, then I'll make sure you don't run into anyone," I offered."


Starting slowly, I moved backwards, while Mikey held onto my arms for support.

"Okay, try pushing your skates backwards, like this."

I moved to his side, demonstrating how to properly skate. Mikey nodded, attempting to copy me. Surprisingly, he caught on pretty fast.

"Hey, I'm doing it!' he chuckled, skating a little faster.

"I can't believe you got the hang of it already," I admitted.

We were only on the ice for about an hour, but it was starting to get crowded, and I was ready for hot chocolate. Nearing the exit, we stepped off of the ice and changed back into our shoes.

"This way!" I cheered, once again grabbing Mikey's hand.

We arrived at the hot chocolate stand; I bought the drinks, while Mikey found a seat for us in the park.

"Two hot chocolates, please."

"Alright, that'll be ¥200."

"Here you go."

I handed the man the money, taking the drinks from the guy, then bringing them over to Mikey.

"Here," I smiled, handing him one of the hot beverages.

"Thanks," he took the drink, kissing me on the cheek.

I rested my head on his shoulder, thinking back to what Hinata texted me earlier. Apparently, her and Takemichi ran into Hakkai and his older sister Yuzuha at the bowling alley earlier today. I met Yuzuha before, since she and Hakkai are close to Mitsuya. I wasn't that close to her, but she was a very cool person. This was their first-time meeting, but they became friends and were planning to go over to their house. They ran into the Black Dragon Gang, who's leader is Hakkai's older brother, Taiju. Takemichi was brutally beaten up by him, but they were luckily able to get out of there. That was definitely an unfortunate encounter, but I'm glad that they're okay. I took another sip of my hot chocolate, as I gazed up at the stars.

"Do you think they're watching us?" Mikey asked out of the blue.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, picking my head up off of Mikey's shoulder to look at him.

His dark eyes were focused on the sky, while the light reflected off of them. He was silent for a moment before answering in a hushed tone.

"You know... Shinichiro and Baji."

That definitely caught me off guard. I pondered his question for a minute, before replying.

"Of course, they are."

Mikey looked down, smiling, before resting his head on my shoulder. It's been about a month since Baji died. Mikey hasn't brought him up since the last Toman meeting. I softly kissed his head, while ruffling his blonde locks. He had an odd expression on his face, which made me realize that there was something else that he wanted to tell me.

"Come on, spit it out."

"You know me too well," Mikey smiled. "I want you to promise me something."

"And what would that be?" I inquired.

Mikey picked his head up off of my shoulder, creating some distance between us. He looked at me, retrieving something from his pocket.

"Promise me that you'll stay by my side forever," he gazed into my (e/c) eyes, holding out a silver heart locket.

"Mikey," I gasped, tears welling up in my eyes. "I promise."

He smiled, pulling me into a tight hug and kissing my lips. Wiping the tears from my eyes, he looked back at me, placing another kiss on my forehead.

"Hey, there's no need to cry."

"I know," I sniffled. "I love you."

I pulled him back into a hug, while he fastened the locket around my neck.

"I love you too."

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