Episode 9: Revolt

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Mikey and I continued running to the parking lot, nonstop. We got onto Mikey's bike, as he sped towards Musashi Shrine. It didn't take that long for us to arrive at the scene. Mikey harshley slammed on the breaks, causing the bike to slide to the side, with me almost falling off. There was a large group of men in Moebius uniforms plus Peh surrounding Draken, Mitsuya, and Takemichi. Holy shit! Draken's bleeding. Peh must've gotten to him already. Some of the members were already unconscious on the ground. Of course, Draken wouldn't go down without a fight.

Mikey and I were drenched from the rain, staring angrily at Peh for his treachery. He put the kickstand of his bike down, getting off of the bike with me following. We made our way towards the group, the incoming fight about to start. Good thing I decided to wear shorts underneath my kimono.

"I get it now," Mikey spouted. "You had me called away for one reason. So you could ambush Kenny! And then you were planning to pin the blame on me in order to try and split Toman in half."

Call, what call? Peh must've called him while I was getting ready. I guess he just ignored it.

"I'm just doing this for Pah!" Peh shouted in anguish.

"You know this isn't how we do shit!" I yelled.

"You know you were originally supposed to go down too," Peh revealed. "But I decided against it, since you and Mikey are basically joined at the hip. You should be thanking me."

"As if you could win a fight against me, Peh," I mocked.

"Tell me," Mikey asserted. "Who tricked you into doing this, Peh?"

Peh stood there in silence. So Takemichi was right about someone pulling the strings. But who the hell could it be?

"Wow," an unfamiliar voice came from behind. "I'm impressed. I guess you're not just brawn after all."

A man with a brown and blonde updo approached us. He didn't wear a uniform, but the tattoo on his hand that held his cigarette and the guy who held up his umbrella led me to believe that he was Osanai's replacement.

"Who the hell are you?" Mikey asked.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, he answered. "Tired, but it doesn't really matter much who I am. All that matters is now I'm in charge of Moebius. I'm Hanma."

"So you're the creeper who's been pulling the strings lately," Mikey concluded.

"You really are a serious smart ass, Mikey," Hanma smiled, blocking a kick from Mikey.

What the hell! I've never seen anyone block one of his kicks before! Mikey was just as shocked as I was, putting his leg back down.

"No one ever stops Mikey's kicks," Mitsuya muttered in shock.

"No need to be in such a damn hurry, Mikey," Hanma forewarned. "Crushing Toman is our long-term goal, but it's so much work. We thought we'd get you to fight yourselves, it works out the same in the end. This way just has an added benefit, I get to kill the invincible Mikey with my own two hands!"

He laughed, throwing his arms up. "Moebius has one hundred men here, while pitiful Toman has a measly four. Don't you wimp out this time, cause you'll find out that I'm not a softy like Osanai. And if you wimp out today, I'll smash your teeth down your throats!"

"Last time I checked it was five, asshole!" I sneered.

"Mikey, Draken, my little friends," Hanma smirked. "You're as good as dead!"

In the distance, multiple bike engines could be heard. At least our odds are better now.

"Well, would you look at this mess," Katsume snickered. "Fighting amongst ourselves so you can win? Cowards."

"But since we're fighting Moebius, we can go all out!" Nahoya, the captain of the sixth division, smiled.

"It's about time," Baji, the first division captain, smirked, hair tie in his mouth. "I've been waiting for the big showdown forever!"

"Of course you came," Mikey smiled.

"Alright you jackasses," I smiled. "The Tokyo Manji Gang is here now!"

"So, who wants to die first?" Nahoya threatened.

"Looks like the party's about to get started now," Hanma retorted, grabbing Peh's head.

Now stood both groups. One side was Moebius, who had Hanma standing in the front. Ours was Toman, with Mikey standing up to Hanma. Now's where the fun begins.

"So, we're getting a big ass brawl on the day of the festival," Draken speculated, blood still dripping from his head. "I can feel my blood pumping already."

"I think the word you're looking for is draining," I sighed, worried. "You shouldn't be fighting with a head wound such as that. Maybe you should sit this one out."

"I'll be fine," he brushed off my suggestion. "You two ready to rock?"

"Oh, you know it Kenny," Mikey replied.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you," I shrugged. "Bring it on."

"Let's go!" Mikey yelled, causing us all to dash towards Moebius.

I ran up to the first guy I saw, landing a right hook to his face, instantly knocking him out. I was pretty limited in movement because of this stupid kimono. Though it was true that I was wearing shorts, it's still annoying to kick with sandals on. Somewhere along the way, I got separated from my boyfriend. I punched my way through the crowd, making my way to Hanma. If Mikey couldn't take him down with one kick, then he might need help. I was also looking for Katsume. I saw her at the beginning, and it shouldn't be hard to find her, since she's wearing a yellow kimono too. I looked around to see no other colors, besides white and black. Where the hell did she go? I couldn't be thinking now, I had to keep fighting. Another guy ran at me with his fist up, ready to punch me. I grabbed his fist and twisted his arm behind him before shoving him to the ground with my foot.

I heard some commotion going on to my right, causing me to look in that direction. Peh was punching Mikey, and he was taking it! As much as I wanted to stop it, I knew that Mikey was just doing it to make Peh feel better about Pah's arrest. Mikey placed his hand on Peh's head, touching it to his. I know that Mikey cares about all of us, but I don't know if that will get Peh back on our side. I was brought back to reality when I was punched in my stomach.

"It would be wrong of me to punch such a pretty girl in the face," he flirted.

"Shut the hell up," I recovered, kneeing him in the stomach and bringing my elbow down on his head.

"No, Draken!" a voice yelled.

As I was beating up another Moebius member, I heard someone's cry. Takemichi was kneeling next to Draken, who was lying on the ground in a pool of blood!

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