Episode 12: Revenge

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(Y/n's) POV:

"NOOO!" Katsume and I cried together.

"How are we already out of funfetti pancake mix?" I continued.

I grabbed the blue box, looking inside to see nothing. I literally bought this two weeks ago.

"Who the hell leaves an empty box in the pantry?" I sweatdropped.

"Oh, that was me, my bad," Katsume laughed. "I got bored when you were sleeping so I was eating it."

"Mixed with milk?" I questioned, already knowing what she would say.

"Nah, I was just taking spoonfuls out of the bag."

I face palmed and sighed, throwing the box out.

"This is what I got the brownie mix for," I sweatdropped.

"Well sorry I was in the mood for rainbow," Katsume pouted.

"Rainbow?" I questioned. "I just can't with you sometimes."

We laughed together, as I proposed a solution.

"Don't worry," I stood up, walking towards the door. "Let's go buy some more!"

It was only three am, and the food market was open 24/7. Why not go on a late-night shopping trip.

"Yippie!" Katsume laughed.

I opened the door to Mikey and I's room to find him fast asleep. I silently made my way to the nightstand, grabbing my wallet. Mikey turned over facing me, still passed out. Phew, I thought I woke him up. I don't know how I would explain leaving at three in the morning to go grocery shopping. I slipped out of the room, making my way back to Katsume. We got our shoes on and quietly made our way out the door. The store wasn't that far, maybe a 10-to-12-minute walk. The street was pretty much dead, except for the occasional drunk stumbling their way home. What we didn't notice was the man who was following us.

Walking into the food market, we made our way straight to the breakfast aisle, grabbing our beloved funfetti pancake mix.

"You know, we should totally get glow sticks," I blurted out.

"That's random," Katsume snickered. "Let's do it."

We made our way over to the party aisle grabbing five bags, for good measure.

"OH MY GOD!" Katsume screamed, pointing. "SHARK!"

"Shark?" I questioned, looking up. "Shark balloons!"

We admired the shark balloons, picking out a great white shark, for funsies.

"Did we need anything else?" I asked.

"Well, you can't go wrong with ice cream," Katsume laughed.

"True," I mentioned. "I just remembered that we ran out of popcorn. So, let's meet back near the cash registers."

"Okay," she said, making her way to the freezer section.

I made my way over to the snacks, picking up a box of microwavable popcorn.

"This'll do," I muttered to myself.

All of a sudden, my phone went off. Who the hell would be up at this hour? Well, aside from me and Katsume of course. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was my husband.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered.

"Where the hell are you?" he angrily asked.

"I'm at the supermarket with Katsume," I answered. "We ran out of pancake mix. Why, did you need something?"

"You need to get the hell out of there now!" Mikey ordered.

"Excuse me," I retorted. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Get out of there now or you're going to die!" he growled.

"What? Am I going to get attacked by a flying apple?" I joked.

"No, you're gonna get killed by a member of Toman."

"Oh," I muttered in shock. "What makes you think that?"

"Just nevermind that, get yourself out of there!" he ordered again.

"Fine, just let me find Katsume and check out."

"No, leave her and save yourself."

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm not leaving my best friend alone knowing that she's in just as much danger as me!"

"But (Y/n)-"

I hung up the phone. Who the hell does he think he is? First, he left for three years, then came back and expected me to choose him over my best friend? The audacity of that boy. I made my way back over to the freezer section, not wanting to wait for whatever Mikey warned me about. I turned the corner into the ice cream section and dropped my phone.

"No," I dropped to my knees in tears. "What kind of sick fucking joke is this?"

What stood in front of me was a freezer stocked with tubs of ice cream, though the severed head of Katsume sitting on one of the shelves was really out of place. It leaned against a gallon of vanilla ice cream, dripping blood along the tub and on the ice cream below it. I put my hands on the glass along with my forehead.

"Why," I sobbed. "Why did this have to happen?"

My tears and guilt for leaving her alone never allowed me to realize the man behind me, holding a bloody ax. Swoosh! With one swing, my life ended too.

Mikey's POV:

Shit, shit, shit! Why isn't she picking up the goddamn phone? I sat on the edge of the bed, running my hands through my hair. I can't lose her, not again. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I picked my head up, happy that she was okay, but it wasn't her.

"Mikey, I did what you asked," Kisaki reported. "Katsume Rin is dead, and so is the witness. One of my subordinates decapitated both of them. Hinata Tachibana is also dead. Another one of my puppets crashed into her car, allowing it to explode with her inside."

"No!" I screamed with anger. "You killed (Y/n), didn't you!"

"Well, you said to kill any witnesses," Kisaki explained. "She was a witness, so she had to die."

"They weren't supposed to go out tonight," I growled. "Nevermind, just take care of it."

I hung up the phone, crushing it in my grip.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," I cried. "This was entirely my fault; she was all I had left."

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