Episode 5: Releap

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I was walking home from the convenience store, when I suddenly bumped into Hina.

"Hey," I smiled. "Crazy seeing you here."

"Wow," she pointed out. "What a coincidence."

We both gave a small laugh as she joined me.

"Where did you come from?" Hinata asked.

"I just wanted some mochi and some other snacks," I answered. "What about you?"

"Cram school," she sighed.

"Damn, that must be annoying to do, especially during summer break."

"Tell me about it," Hinata sighed.

The two of us started to chat about how strange Takemichi was acting lately, when we saw the man himself. Screaming and panting for some reason.

We approached him from behind as he mumbled, "I've gotta make sure Hina never finds out about that-"

"About what," the girl interrupted.

His mouth opened wide in horror. He is definitely hiding something.

"You better not be doing anything shady Takemichy," I scowled.

"WAHHHHHHH," Takemichi screamed, then tried to compose himself. "What in the world are you two doing here?"

"I'm on my way home from cram school and (Y/n) was doing some shopping," Hinata boldly answered. "What are you doing here Takemichy?" 

"Uh- I just was... uh-," the blonde stuttered.

Hinata got up close to his face, her expression telling Takemichi that she knows he did something.

"Uh- what's wrong," Takemichi nervously chattered. "Is there something on my face?"

"Alright Takebitchy, what did you do?" I angrily questioned as Hinata turned away.

"Uh I don't really remember what happened," Takemichi blurted.

This man is actually an idiot.

"What are you talking about?" Hinata and I said in unison.

"What's up with you?" the short haired girl spoke sadly. "You're so weird lately."

"Huh?" Takemichi cautioned.

"Today you're the adult Takemichi," Hinata started. "But the night we watched fireworks together up on the roof, you left and just rushed home without saying a word. And you've been cold to me at school. But now tonight you seem nice again."

"Yeah, you started to act like a jerk wad to everyone," I added. "It's like you had a complete personality change overnight."

He stood there in silence lightly punching his temple, as his phone started ringing.

"Takemichi, isn't that your phone ringing?"

"Huh, oh. Whoa it's Draken!" Takemichi realized before answering. "Uh- hello."

Hinata and I were just staring at each other with the 'what the hell is happening look,' while Takemichi took his call.

"Hina," Takemichi spoke up after Draken ended the call. "I'm sorry, but for some reason Draken wants to see me."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as it vibrated. A text from Mikey? Mikey's message said, 'we're meeting at the shrine right now, don't be late :)'.

"Hey, sorry Hina, but I gotta go too," I apologized.

"Fine," Hinata smiled. "Then I'll go with you two."

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