Episode 16: Once Upon a Time

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-Flashback (2003)-

Our new gang rode our bikes in our new uniforms. Well, I was on Katsume's bike and Mikey trailed far behind us on his moped.

"Beach time bitches!" Draken shouted.

"Damn this rocks! So amazing!" Baji shouted.

"Man, that ocean breeze feels so good," Kazutora smiled.

"I can hear the seagulls already," I giggled.

"I can smell them," Katsume sweatdropped.

"Hey grandpa, why'd you have to go so slow?" Pah mocked Mitsuya.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" Mitsuya frowned. "It's not my fault he's so damn slow."

Mikey was far behind us. He should've just ridden with someone. We stopped, allowing him to catch up.

"Hurry it up, Mikey!" we all yelled in unison.

"You seriously need an upgrade," I sighed.

"Mikey, dude," Draken started. "You gotta quit trying to rock that moped. You're our commander, get a real motorcycle already!"

"Nah, thanks but my old ride suits me just fine," Mikey smiled. "You're not trying to shit on my Streethawk, my CB250CC model?"

"Man, you can call it anything you want, but it's still a damn moped, you know," Draken muttered. "You can't even rev that wimpy thing."

"Not without it taking off on you," Mitsuya chimed in. "And believe me I've seen it happen to guys."

"Sounds just like Mikey actually," Katsume laughed.

"Only with Mikey it would be slower," Kazutora added.

A vein popped out on Mikey's face; he was definitely not happy.

"Come on," I said, putting a hand on Mikey's shoulder. "At least it works."

"See, she gets it," Mikey blushed.

"You still are pretty slow though," I continued, causing Mikey's smile to drop.

"I know you'd prefer to have a real CB250, but there's no one older here who's about to let you have one," Draken frowned.

"Hehe look at what we got here," a random voice emerged. "Look at the cute little boys in matching gang jackets. Yeah, and the two pretty ladies over there. Tokyo Manji Gang, huh? Nope, never heard of ya."

"Where the hell did you loser wannabes wash up from? This here is Yokohama, cupcakes. If you little shits came to play gangster, then you came to the wrong place. Get your asses back home!" another smirked. "Why don't you two cuties come with us, we can treat you much better than these kiddies."

"Go kill yourself," Katsume and I growled in unison.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I figure as long as we're all here getting acquainted, I'm gonna scrap that piece of shit moped of yours," the man in purple laughed. "I'm sure you won't mind."

"If you lay one finger on my precious Streethawk, you're dead," Mikey smiled.

"Meh, it's not worth it," the man with the bat turned around and sped away. "But next time we catch you around we're gonna mess you up big time."

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