Episode 4: Return

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The school day finally concluded and I headed over to Mikey's house. He hasn't been coming to school that much recently, so I had to try and catch him up to prevent him from having to repeat the year.

As I arrived at his house, I knocked.

"Hello," a blonde girl greeted as she opened the door.

"Hey, Emma," I smiled.

"(Y/n)? You're back!" Emma cheered and she came in for a hug.

I hugged her back, feeling a bit sorry for coming over to hang out with her brother instead of her.

"I have to catch Mikey up on some of his schoolwork," I sighed. "Not that I have much hope for him though."

Emma laughed as she told me "good luck with him. Oh, forget to mention, he's in his room."

"Thanks," I replied as I waved her off.

*Knock knock knock*

I heard footsteps shuffling to the door. The door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Mikey.

"You just woke me up," he groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "(Y/n)?"

"What, who did you think I was?" I chuckled.

"Emma," he replied. "So, why are you here? Did you miss me too much?"

"No," I answered. "You asked me last week if I could help you catch up on your school work so you graduate this year."

He widened his eyes, completely forgetting that he had to retake his exams.

"Come on, might as well get this over with," I prodded.

He made his way over to his desk, as I placed the first assignment down. We're starting right off the bat with algebra. This definitely is not going to go well.

"Okay, this one's easy," I started. "(x+y) times (a+b)."

Mikey looked me dead in the eyes and said "4."

I facepalmed and looked at him," how the fuck did you get four?"

"I guessed."

I spent the next 45 minutes trying to teach him how to solve the equations on the math sheet. This is definitely going in one ear and out the other, but at least I can say that I tried.

"Can we take a break already," he whined. "This is boring."

"You asked me to do this," I yelled in frustration. "Plus, you never answered a singular question without my help."

"Oh well," Mikey smirked. "That's a later problem."

Mikey proceeded to slide closer to me, laying his head on my lap and closing his eyes.

"This is much better," he smirked.

I sighed, giving up, and petted his hair. His hair is really soft. I smiled as I started to braid little pieces of his hair. The blonde male was smiling as he opened his eyes and looked outside.

"Hey, look," he pointed. "Someone's setting off fireworks."

"Yeah, tonight's the fireworks display," I smiled happily. "Let's go outside and watch them."

We walked out to his backyard and laid down on the ground next to each other. Variants of red, blue, green, and yellow exploded in the air with each boom.

"They're so pretty," I whispered looking at the sky.

"Yeah, they are," he added

I turned over to him to find out that he was staring at me this whole time. I chuckled at his adorable actions, as he leaned in for a kiss. I snuggled in closer to his warmth, as I eventually fell asleep to the sound of the fireworks.

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