Episode 21: One and Only

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"Damn it," Baji muttered before passing out.

Chifuyu ran up the pile, standing in front of his unconscious best friend.

"Baji no! Kisaki what the hell did you do to Baji?"

"You saw everything," Kisaki menacingly replied. "I didn't do anything to him at all."

Chifuyu scowled at the blonde before kneeling to Baji and calling out his name. He was losing blood quickly.

"You were stabbed," he realized. "But when?"

"Hurry up and call an ambulance!" I yelled to one of Kisaki's guys.

At the rate he's bleeding out, I don't think that he'll make it much longer.

"Kazutora!" Chifuyu growled.

The man was just sitting on his knees, muttering to himself. I'm guessing that he's blaming Mikey for this too. Speaking of the blonde, he finally woke up. Without a word, he pulled himself up, still keeping his eyes closed. He looks pissed.

"Kazutora's definitely got some screws loose," Kisaki pointed out. "Oh, I get it. He must've brought Baji to Valhalla so he could finish him off himself. That right, commander?"

I'm about to finish off this bitch in a second if he doesn't shut the hell up. From everything that I heard, it seems like Kisaki was the one who took advantage of Kazutora.

"I wanted to kill you even back then," Mikey started. "Even as soon as you left juvie. I started thinking about killing you. And the only one who kept talking me out of it was Baji."

He slowly made his way down to Kazutora. I tried to grab his arm to stop him, but he just ripped it out of my grasp.

"He always said that all you wanted to do was to make me happy and that's why you couldn't accept the blame. Even though you were the one who killed my brother. In order for things to make sense to you, you had to make me into the enemy. Isn't that right?"

I got up, following Mikey down the car pile. He started walking closer to Baji's attacker, as everyone else got out of his way.

"Mikey," Draken said sternly.

"You know Kenny, this fight's already over."

Mikey stopped in between Hanma and Draken, allowing me to catch up.

"Huh?" Hanma retorted. "Woah woah woah, what do you mean the fight's over? Who the hell do you think you are, Mikey? You must be crazy if you think you can decide shit like that now!"

"Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but someone already called an ambulance, and I wouldn't be surprised if they brought a few police cars with them," I pointed out.

Mikey kicked Hanma, knocking him out before emotionlessly speaking. "There, now it's over."

Valhalla realized Mikey's strength, causing most of the members to run with their tails tucked in between their legs. Mikey walked away as if nothing happened, making his way over to Kazutora.

"Betrayal is human nature I guess," Kazutora muttered. "Alright then Mikey, let's finish this. Either you die today, or I die-"

The Valhalla member was cut off after being punched by Mikey.

"If all that's in your head is destroying important things, I'll destroy you right now."

Mikey landed another kick to Kazutora, sliding him across the dirt. He stood back up, getting kicked again. This is brutal. The blonde sat on top of the man, repeatedly punching his face in with his right fist. Blood gushed out of Kazutora's nose. All of us were in shock, not even me or Draken knew what to do. Kazutora was already unconscious, but that didn't stop Mikey's wrath. The area was in complete silence, except for the sound of blood escaping the unconscious man's face.

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