Episode 25: It Is What It Is

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I woke up with a start, outside. A sharp pain coursed through my abdomen, causing me to put a hand over the bandaged area. I was rescued? Takemichi was there too, with a gunshot wound on his leg that had been bandaged.

"I saved both of your lives," a familiar voice echoed.

I looked up at the man who looked like Baji? No, that's not right, he's dead. It was Kazutora, my old friend.

"Kazutora?" Takemichi mumbled.

"Thanks for the save," I smiled at the guy who was helping Chifuyu and I in our attempt to get rid of Kisaki.

Takemichi stood up, while I stayed laying down. If I sat up, I would reopen my stomach wound.

"Been a long time since-" Takemichi was cut off by Kazutora, who punched him harshly. "Kazutora-"

The pitiful man was punched again, before being kicked to the ground. Takemichi groaned, while Kazutora kicked the shit out of him. I just realized, Chifuyu went in with Takemichi, so where is he?

"Why are you doing this?" he cried.

"You know why?" Kazutora aggressively growled. "Cause the other day I saw a bunch of guys beating the crap out of some girl the same way. When I jumped in to break it up and save her ass, they said they were members of the Tokyo Manji Gang. When did your great Toman turn into a gang that beats women? I don't give a shit about scum like you."

He started to tear up, while looking at the river beside us.

"All this time, I only wanted to save Chifuyu and (Y/n)," Kazutora admitted.


A man with short black hair exited through the prison gates, where he spent the last ten years of his life. Chifuyu, Katsume, and I drove there to pick the man up. Stopping the car at the sight of Kazutora, Chifuyu honked the horn.

"No way," Kazutora gasped.

"Long time no see, Kazutora," Chifuyu smiled.

"Need a ride?" Katsume asked.

Kazutora smiled, getting into the car. He was a free man now.

"Toman has gone to shit," I explained to him, trying to catch him up to date. "We're just criminals without ethics now and the cops can't lay a hand on us."

"I want us to turn Toman back to the way it was," Chifuyu continued.

-End Flashback-

"All this time, the three of them have been fighting alone," Kazutora frowned. "While you haven't been doing a goddamn thing to help! Katsume was killed, and now Chifuyu."

"Wait, he's dead?" I teared up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't make it in time."

The tears finally dropped from my eyes. Kazutora and I are the only ones who can stop this now.

"Toman got so big that it lost its way," Kazutora rambled. "But that doesn't forgive you for turning into a bunch of lackeys for Kisaki. Our only hope was Draken, but he ended up on death row and nobody knows where Mikey is."

I couldn't save anyone. Not my friends, not even my husband.

"So Takemichi, where is Toman headed?" Kazutora questioned. "I remember how back then Mikey wanted us to build a new era for delinquents. Just like he predicted, in the end Toman became incredibly huge. Drug dealing, prostitution, illegal casinos, loan sharking, murder, Toman does every type of crime and it's become a monster in the progress! But I really wonder, is this the era that Mikey was imagining us building? Is this the Toman Baji fought to protect?"

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