Episode 27: Stand Alone

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The next day, Chifuyu, Katsume, and I, along with Takemichi's newly recruited friends, hung out in his bedroom, waiting for him to wake up. They viewed this as a task for the first division members, but I was pretty worried after I found out that he was mercilessly beaten up by the current leader of Black Dragon. Takemichi's friends huddled around the table, playing cards, while me and Chifuyu watched Katsume play on her Nintendo DS.

Takemichi shot up, bringing a hand to his forehead. He looked very deep in thought.

"I'm gonna have to do this all on my own," he muttered to himself. "Huh?"

The blonde finally noticed that we were using his room as a personal hangout.

"What are you muttering about over there?" Akun questioned.

"Creepy-mitchi," Yamagishi joked.

"Hey, wait!" Takemichi shouted. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We came to check on you, obviously," the red head replied.

"What'd you expect?" Makoto frowned. "You are our captain, or did you forget that?"

"Gotta make sure you're okay, without you who do you think is gonna keep first division together?" Takuya smiled.

"Huh? What the hell are you guys talking about? All four of you guys are in Toman now?!"

Maybe Taiju gave him amnesia, from punching his lights out. Hinata did call me, crying, after I went home from my date with Mikey. I remember her telling me that Takemichi jumped in front of her, to protect her from one of Taiju's punches. It wouldn't be the first time that Takemichi completely forgot things like these.

"Huh, yeah, of course we are Takemichi!"

"You're the one who told them to join," Chifuyu reminded the blonde, looking at him from the chair he sat on.


"What, you look like you've seen a ghost," Katsume laughed.

"Nothing," Takemichi coughed out. "Good to see ya."

His facial expression made it obvious that it wasn't 'nothing.' Something definitely happened. Maybe Mikey wasn't too off about what he said at the hospital that one day, about Takemichi not being who he says he is.

"I still can't figure out why Black Dragon would break the peace that way," Akun admitted.

"Sounds like trouble for sure," Yamagishi chimed in.

"The captains definitely aren't going to stand for that," Makoto added.

"There has to be some kind of retaliation, or else they'll do it again," Takuya pointed out.

"I'm just hoping that it was a onetime thing, since it was over territorial issues," I claimed. "But, yet again, we're never that lucky."

"Huh?" Takemichi blurted.

"Oh, come on now," Takuya sighed. "You're a captain, you know how Toman operates, don't you?"


"If there's a war with Black Dragon, there's no guarantee we'd win it," Yamagishi frowned. "It's just talk, but I heard that they're worse than anyone."

"You think they're worse than Moebius or Valhalla?" Makoto asked.

"The murder squad," Chifuyu spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "That's what makes these guys so dangerous. They're an entire gang of warriors. Black Dragon's been around for a long time. They've been the ruling gang in the Kanto region for as long as anyone can remember. This tenth generation of Black Dragon is supposed to be the most brutal and insane in their whole history."

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