Chapter XXVI: Ascend

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"Eligos," Delora's voice sliced through the hush of the day. "Show yourself."

In a swift response, Eligos materialized before her, his formidable presence casting a shadow over the snowy expanse. His towering figure loomed over her, obsidian eyes reflecting the pristine whiteness underfoot. Being intimately connected to Delora's thoughts, he understood the reason for her summoning – a desire for him to impart some of his power to her.

"Are you versed in combat?" Eligos' words resonated within her mind, his lips unmoving.

"Somewhat, though I'm willing to learn," Delora replied, her determination gleaming in her eyes.

"A single day won't suffice," Eligos mused, his attention momentarily drawn to a distant sound in the forest, attuned to the subtleties of the wild. Returning his focus to Delora, he continued, "Rely on the magic I have granted you; it will serve you adequately."

"Teach me," Delora's curiosity was met with an enigmatic smile from Eligos. His inky hand ascended, a sphere of dark energy swirling ominously within its confines.

"Direct instruction is unfeasible since you wield my powers," Eligos stated, gradually advancing towards her. The energy in his palm emitted a low hum. "However, I can impart the knowledge to your soul, enabling you to wield it instinctively."

Without forewarning, Eligos pierced Delora's form with his hand, a surge of chilling energy coursing through her veins. Although devoid of pain, the sensation was strange and unsettling. Uncertainty lingered as to whether any change had occurred.

"How will I know if it worked?" Delora inquired, her gaze fixed on Eligos.

"The answer will reveal itself in due time," Eligos replied, his grin containing a hint of amusement.

As Delora scrutinized the demonic entity before her, an aura of profound malevolence emanated from him. He was undeniably a being from the depths of Hell, and the thought sent shivers down her spine.

"Shall you grant me your legion?" Delora's question was unexpected, momentarily catching Eligos off guard.

"As stipulated, I shall offer whatever you require," he responded.

"Can they be summoned?" Delora pressed further.

"They can," Eligos confirmed.

"How do I call upon them?" Delora's eagerness was met with Eligos' cryptic amusement.

"You will discern the method when the need arises," he teased, his confidence evident. He held no doubt that Delora possessed the intellect to uncover the summoning process when the situation demanded.

Delora's thoughts wandered to a question that had been lingering in her mind for some time.

"What if I were to fail in killing Valeria and John?" she voiced her concern to Eligos.

"You have a year from the day our contract was established. Failure only befalls you when that time elapses," his response brought a measure of relief to Delora, alleviating her fear of a single, irreversible chance at success.

"Do you believe Valeria possesses the gift of foresight?" Delora probed further. Eligos' eyes glinted with intrigue.

"Whatever her ability may be, I am strongly convinced that she possesses a means of glimpsing certain facets of the future, whether the accuracy of that vision is debatable or not."

"How can one counter such a gift?" Delora inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"By altering the evident," Eligos' cryptic smile hinted at a deeper strategy. Delora grasped the implication – to change destiny, one needed to manipulate the most apparent course of events. For instance, if Delora chose to defy expectations by not appearing at the Tullig estate tomorrow, the entire trajectory of the future could shift. This realization offered her a potent tool.

A wicked idea took root in Delora's mind, inspired by this newfound understanding. Her meticulously laid plans had crumbled, providing her an opportune moment to reclaim a semblance of control.

Without need for verbal prompting, Delora's palm met the earth, a surge of energy enveloping her being. As the exhilarating power coursed through her, an otherworldly creature gradually emerged from the ground. Sinewy, bony limbs clawed their way through the snow and soil, revealing the enigmatic head of a creature previously unknown to her. Its sharp, ear-piercing screech seized Eligos' attention, heralding its emergence as dirt cascaded off its form.

Resembling a Wrunix yet distinct in its own right, the creature's deteriorating scales flaked away, exposing skeletal structure and inner organs. Towering before her, its massive green eyes locked onto Delora's, its resonating screech reverberating in the air. Ragged wings, riddled with holes, unfurled, leaving Delora in awe of the majestic spectacle.

"What creature is this?" she inquired.

"A grayre," Eligos replied.

"It's unfamiliar to me," Delora stepped closer to the creature, its foul stench reaching her senses.

"It's hardly a surprise; grayres are beings from the depths of Hell," Eligos explained. Despite its menacing aura, the creature bore a worn and dirty saddle on its massive back.

Delora had unwittingly summoned a formidable steed, its presence far exceeding her expectations. Unlike the Wrunix, which could not be ridden due to its spikes, this creature provided a remarkable opportunity for swift and imposing travel.

"I will be departing for the estate," Delora declared to Eligos, his malevolent grin betraying his dark intentions. In his eyes, Delora was naught but a forthcoming feast. Her fulfillment of the contract represented a tantalizing countdown, a harbinger of the day when he would revel in the souls she had willingly surrendered.

"I am eager to witness your prowess," Eligos responded before vanishing, his essence seamlessly reuniting with Delora's consciousness.

Delora's attention shifted to the colossal creature beside her. Guided by an unspoken understanding, it lowered its imposing frame to the ground, affording her an opportune moment to mount. Hand clasping the rope that hung along its flank, she deftly hoisted herself onto its back, finding her seat within the saddle.

As the creature's essence melded with her consciousness, a gradual ascent commenced. Delora's grip on the saddle tightened as she experienced the sensation of ascending, her heart pounding with a mixture of awe and exhilaration. 

The frigid wind rushed against her exposed face, prompting Delora to pull her shirt over her nose to shield herself. She pursed her lips and emitted a sharp whistle, a summoning call that resonated. Behind her, a responding screech reverberated through the air as the Wrunix detached itself from the earth's embrace.

Unified in purpose, the two awe-inspiring creatures soared through the sky, Delora's heart alight with the soaring freedom of flight. The wind's embrace, though biting and fierce, carried a profound sense of liberation. In this moment, Delora understood Novice's love for flying, suspended between earth and sky.

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