Chapter IV: Masquerade

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"How do I look?" Delora asked, offering Corbeau a twisted smile as she placed her hand in his and stepped down from the carriage.

"I doubt people will care about your dress," he replied, his eyes scanning her body and lingering at her chest as she walked close to him.

He looked away, bothered by his uncontrollable attraction. His long, curly black hair cascaded down his shoulders and back, framing his face and strong build. After analyzing Delora's figure, he fell into step behind her, unable to resist her striking beauty. His feelings were purely superficial, driven solely by desire, with no hint of love.

Delora's eyes were fixed ahead as she entered the grand entrance of the palace, where the main hall had been transformed into a spectacular banquet. Her gaze swept around the opulent room as she moved forward.

With each step she took and the more people she passed, whispers began to spread at the sight of her presence. Women distanced themselves, afraid of being within range of her. Delora's lips curled into a smile, finding their behavior ridiculous. In a way, with each gaze she met and each smile she offered, it was her way of mocking them and their needless fear. Nothing she ever did would warrant such a reaction from others, so Delora quickly deduced that rumors about her must have been circulating, and she had a pretty good idea of who might have spread them — her older brother.

She paused in her walk as a waiter offered her an alcoholic beverage in a fancy champagne glass. She took it without giving the gentleman a glance, Corbeau positioning himself next to her. His blue eyes fell on a woman in a mesmerizing yellow dress. His gaze was heavy as the lady averted her eyes, her expression twisted with fear at the thought of meeting the man they deemed a cold-hearted killer.

"I will gouge your eyes out of your skulls and make you eat them, Corbeau." Delora's golden eyes turned crimson red as she darted her gaze towards him. Unfazed by her fragile ego, he looked down on her. ''Behave yourself.''

Her carmine eyes slowly reverted to their golden color as she looked up, the king making his way towards the edge of the golden balcony. She brought the glass to her lips, feeling the cold alcohol slide down her throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's Beltane Ball!" The king opened his arms in a welcoming gesture, and the attendees applauded his smiling presence. "I know you all must be wondering one thing." The king scanned the room below him, squinting to see who attended. "When will the prophecy be announced?"

Delora lowered her glass from her lips, her eyes glistening with anticipation. Corbeau glanced at her, observing her growing curiosity. He wasn't sure why she was so excited to hear the prophecy, but he knew for a fact that she was up to something, and he wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of it.

"Well, I will be divulging the content of the prophecy tonight."

With a quick and steady motion, he produced a clean, white scroll and held it in front of him, covering his face. The room fell silent in anticipation.

"Amidst our realm, a woman roams, unbridled power, havoc she shall impose. But fear not, for a hero shall arise, to quell her wicked deeds, the land's demise." The king's booming voice spread across the silent gathering, igniting whispers around the room.

An uncontrollable smile spread across Delora's face, her teeth showing her joy. Corbeau understood the meaning behind every word of the prophecy; he also knew exactly who it was targeted at. He looked at Delora, the hair on his arms standing on end at the sight of her smile. He surveyed the room, remaining in place as people's murmurs slowly grew louder after hearing the foreboding words.

"Do not fear the words of the scroll, as they are here to help guide us in the right direction," the King's voice slowly faded into the background as Delora's complete attention fixated on a man standing at a distance, his golden eyes locking onto hers. For a moment, it felt as if the entire room funneled toward this man, her eldest brother, Drakkar.

In that fleeting second, a glimmer of fear appeared in her golden eyes, her stomach twisting as Drakkar's mouth curved into a wicked smile. She stood there, frozen in place, her feet unknowingly carrying her toward him, as if compelled to do so. Corbeau tried to call her name, but she seemed no longer aware of her surroundings, her gaze locked ahead. He followed her line of sight, his eyes landing on the eldest son of the Lovell's house.

His questioning look turned to caution as he stepped forward, following Delora's path. His towering stature hovered protectively over Delora as she stopped in front of Drakkar, his back leaning against a golden pillar. He leaned forward, his eyes still locked with Delora's. A quick glance was offered to Corbeau before his focus returned to his younger sister.

"How lovely to see you smile. What about the prophecy brings you so much joy, little sister?" His smile concealed a wickedness even darker than the one hiding behind Delora's.

Delora's mouth remained glued shut, her eyes darting rapidly across her brother's face. Drakkar straightened up, locking eyes with Corbeau.

"Would you mind if I borrow my little sister from you for a short while? I believe we have a lot to say to each other." Delora turned towards Corbeau, giving him a slight nod. Though faint, he thought he saw a glimmer of fear in her expression. Hesitantly, Corbeau nodded back at her, glancing at Drakkar before walking away, a foreboding feeling lingering within him.

Corbeau was left questioning the reason why Delora would possibly want the head of her brother when they seemed to share the affinity of being twisted. 

As he moved through the crowded hall, his mind was filled with curiosity and unease. Delora's twisted desires and her unpredictable nature had always kept him on edge, but now, he couldn't shake the feeling that something even more sinister was at play.

He found a secluded corner and leaned against the wall, trying to gather his thoughts amidst the noise of the ball. The memory of Delora's crimson eyes and her wicked smile when the prophecy was announced replayed in his mind. The words of the scroll hinted at a destined hero who would challenge a woman to save the downfall of an empire. 

Corbeau's mind raced with possibilities. Did Delora want to eliminate her brother before he became a threat to her? Or was there a deeper, more personal grudge driving her intentions? He knew Delora well enough to understand that her motivations were seldom straightforward.

Lost in contemplation, he didn't notice the figure approaching until a soft voice spoke behind him. "Corbeau, isn't it?"

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