Chapter I: Infamy

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In the softly lit hallways, the rhythmic click of heels echoed as the mysterious figure descended the marble stairs, their gaze fixed ahead.

"Where is he?" The woman's voice cut through the silence, sending a shiver down the small girl's spine as she timidly followed behind.

"He was moved downstairs, madame," the young girl replied, trying to steady herself as she smoothed her servant attire. Her nervousness betrayed her small hands. With trepidation, she trailed the white-haired woman, who briefly glanced back before speaking again.

"You may go back, Elva."

Relief washed over Elva's face, and she hurriedly turned around, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere. Meanwhile, the woman, dressed in a white, silky nightgown, continued on, descending more steps. The flickering candle flame she held in her right hand danced in her golden eyes, revealing her annoyance.

Two imposing men guarded a single metal door, swords at the ready. At the sight of the woman, they promptly opened the door, allowing her to enter the forbidding dungeon.

The woman's eyes settled on the beaten man before her, chained to the wall by his wrists, his head hung low. Without hesitation, she approached, lowering her candle to illuminate his face. The stranger's head rose, his eyes filling with indignation as he met her gaze. They remained locked in an intense exchange as she scrutinized the intruder.

"Who are you?" Her voice was soft yet laced with animosity.

The injured man stared back, his long black hair obscuring much of his bloodstained face. Refusing to answer, he winced as the woman's nails dug into one of his wounds. The pain was evident on his face.

"Who sent you to me?"

The silence was accentuated by the steady dripping of water within the damp and humid underground cell. The woman's fine features contorted with annoyance as she awaited answers she knew might never come. She took a moment to study the man before her, attempting to decipher his identity.

Deep down, she understood the motive behind his intrusion on her property—to end her life. Countless others had tried and failed before him, all believing they were skilled and cunning enough to snuff out her existence. 

"As soon as you leave this place, you will forget the reason you came here." Her golden eyes glinted in the darkness around them. "Without logic or reasoning, you will assassinate the person you love most." Even through her cruel words, her expression remained still. "After taking their life, you will condemn yourself to a painful demise of your own choosing."

The man's eyes remained locked on the woman's golden gaze as he listened intently to her words. Though fearing the fate she imposed, he managed to maintain a stoic composure, concealing his emotions. The sound of chains clanged as his wrists were released. The alluring woman stared intently at the prisoner as the glow in her eyes faded.

"You may now go." She watched as the man rose from the ground, seemingly unaffected as he passed her to leave the dungeon.

Remaining in the darkness, she kept her eyes fixated on the spot where the man had been. She seemed as though she felt no anger or remorse for what just unfolded before her. The disregard for another's life was certainly the reason why the people working for her feared her. 

After a moment of contemplation, she turned and retraced her steps, heading in the same direction as the man she had condemned to death.

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