Chapter XIX: Wrunix

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Delora stood on her balcony, just like every morning. The cold marble beneath her bare feet sent shivers up her spine, but she paid it no mind as she gazed up at the grey sky where the first snowflakes of the year began to fall gently. Stepping closer to the railing, she looked down at the ground now blanketed in white.

With a soft whistle, Delora called for Novice. Wings flapped in response, and memories flooded her mind of how she had met him two years ago. Novice, a magical being, a shapeshifter, had been injured in the forest, and she had nursed him back to health. Since then, he had stayed by her side, forming a subtle friendship with Delora. He could transform into any shape he desired, but he often preferred the form of a raven.

Novice landed nearby, tilting his head inquisitively as he looked at her. ''Come inside, Novice," she said, her golden eyes meeting his before she turned to lead the way. As soon as he entered the room, Novice's form shifted, becoming human. "I hate being a human," he complained, seemingly oblivious to his nudity. Delora tossed him a black robe she had acquired for him. ''My arms feel so heavy when I turn into a human; I don't know how you do it. I prefer wings." He wrapped the robe around himself and sprawled on the bed.

Delora spoke with a serious tone, ''I might need you to do something dangerous. I'd like you to spy on a man called Zephyr. His hideout is downtown, around the corner of Lucrazio street."

''Yeah, I've heard of him,'' Novice replied, casually revealing how animals communicated. ''What? You know animals communicate, right?'' He then gestured towards the emerald ring on Zephyr's finger. ''Plus, that shiny emerald ring around his finger is well known amongst my kind." Delora couldn't help but smile; corvidae were attracted to shiny objects like magpies.

''I made an arrangement with this guy. He's supposed to help me get information on Valeria, but something doesn't sit right with me. I need to know if I can trust him further.''

''I'm on it," Novice replied, eager to be of service. ''You better have a shiny emerald ring for me when I come back."

''Where do you bring all those trinkets to?''

''I won't ever tell a soul. They're mine."

Three knocks at the door interrupted their conversation, signaling the arrival of the expected visitor. The door swung open, and Corbeau stood there, his black hair speckled with snowflakes, a clear sign of his recent venture outdoors.

Novice hurriedly left the room, the robe slipping from his body. Delora's gaze followed him briefly before locking onto Corbeau's as he entered. Novice's enigmatic nature had always intrigued Corbeau, and he had sought information about the shapeshifter's species without much success. Novice remained a curious enigma in his mind.

''Your Wrunix was killed in the north of the forest,'' Corbeau said, his voice carrying a hint of surprise.

Delora stood up, her heart sinking. Wrunix were powerful beasts, bred for battle and protection. The fact that someone had managed to kill one meant that they possessed significant knowledge or power. Fortunately, she had trained two of them, the second one unbeknownst to everyone. ''Where exactly is it?'' she asked, ready to investigate.

''If you go now, you might be able to follow back my footsteps.''

Delora, unmindful of the cold outside, rushed past Corbeau to face the snow-covered wilderness. Before she could step outside, Corbeau's grip on her arm stopped her.

''It's cold outside.'' His blue eyes bore into hers, but Delora could sense a touch of betrayal hidden behind them. Corbeau was unaware that Delora knew about his secret dealings.

In a flash, Delora disappeared, leaving Corbeau behind. She knew her teleportation ability made her elusive and hard to catch, and she used it to her advantage.

Her feet touched the frigid snow before she looked back. She saw Corbeau appearing, looking down at her from the room's balcony above. Undeterred by the weather, she began her journey towards the forest, her heart pounding with anxiety. Wrunix were not creatures easily tamed or approached, and their aggressive nature made their slaughter an alarming event.

Following Corbeau's footprints, which were slowly vanishing beneath the accumulating snow, Delora's determination surged. In the distance, she spotted her pet's lifeless body, surrounded by a pool of crimson. She hastened her pace, disregarding the numbing cold that gnawed at her feet.

As she reached the fallen Wrunix, she sank to her knees, her silver hair obscuring her face. She tenderly placed her hands on the beast's cold neck, feeling the loss and anger surge within her. The creature she had nurtured from a hatchling now lay mutilated, its guts spilling out of its body like a mere road kill. 

She could tell by the way the organs were frozen that the killing had happen some time ago, which meant Delora was incapable of bringing it back to life. She let her freezing hand slide across the Wrunix's scaly neck, her attention brough back to its face. 

For the first in a long time, Delora mourned the loss of something she valued. She felt a fire inside of her as she saw her companion, the beast supposed to fight next to her in the upcoming battles, slaughtered without having put up much of a fight. 

Her gaze lifted to the Wrunix's antlers, and Delora's keen eyes quickly noticed that one of them was missing. Curiosity and concern drove her to bend down for a closer inspection, making sure it hadn't simply fallen out. However, upon thorough examination, it became evident that someone had deliberately taken the antler. This realization struck her like a bolt of lightning – this was no random act of violence. No one ever wandered around these secluded parts of the forest, making it clear that the intruder had come with a specific purpose: to obtain the Wrunix's antler, and possibly even other valuable organs.

With a determined frown, Delora raised her hands, focusing her energy into her burning palm. The forest responded to her command as the tree branches extended toward the lifeless creature, encasing it with their vine-like tendrils. Slowly, the body of the Wrunix was lifted into the air, hidden away among the lofty embrace of the giant dormant trees. Whoever had committed this act would not be granted further access to the remains.

A sudden loud croaking noise made her spin around, causing her heart to race. Her eyes met Corbeau's as he approached, a winter coat in his hands which he draped over her shoulders in silence. Delora's glare remained fixed on him, convinced that he and Valeria had orchestrated this kill.

Wrunix were magical creatures, and their antlers possessed powerful healing properties. Elixirs made from their antlers could even revive recently deceased humans. Delora understood the potential value of such a precious resource and how it could be exploited for nefarious purposes.

''I know you're behind this.''' Delora spoke with icy certainty, her words cutting through the cold air. Corbeau staid silent.

Through his actions, Corbeau had conveyed his message loud and clear – war had begun, and he was determined to stand against her. 

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